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January 11, 2016

Title: New Year. New Ghettos.
Topic: Forced Diversity
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Obama and his minions – even the Supreme Court of the United States – wants to force you to live next to a food stamp dependent, low-income family. Yes, that’s right! They want to diversify every neighborhood in America, giving everyone the same “opportunity” no matter what their income is. It’s all part of their big plan to make everyone “feel important.”

Lowell Ponte explains how Obama plans to infiltrate the suburbs with Section 8 Housing Projects, which have virtually ruined inner cities. In fact, SCOTUS has already given the Obama administration the right to rezone certain cities and suburbs to allow low-income families to move to “rich neighborhoods”. Furthermore, Washington DC will soon require you to sell your house to a Muslim family because they need more Muslims in your subdivision (or any other ethnicity because they need to show more “diversity”).

We’re not talking about modifying zoning law where none exists,” Lowell clarifies. “The Federal Government now claims the power to impose the zoning law.” Their goal is to redistribute the wealth in your neighborhood to others who have done nothing to earn it. Lowell and other experts even fear that we will soon see the government force white families from their homes for no reason to allow an ethnic family to move in!

If you think this is far off base or just extreme fear-mongering, please get a FREE copy of Lowell Ponte’s book, “We have Seen the Future and it Looks Like Baltimore”, here  or by calling 1.800.630.1494. Simply mention you heard about his book on The What’s UP Radio Show. Read the book and learn the facts for yourself! And spread the word to others. Share think link on Facebook and Twitter. You can also send a link to your email contacts. Just copy and paste the link above.

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