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June 12, 2018

Title: Gas Money or Tithe?
Topic: Changes to Your Budget If Energy Prices Double
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

How would your life be adversely affected if the cost of gasoline was double and your electric bill was triple what it is today? Do you have discretionary income that would allow for such an increase? Would you automatically cut back on your tithe to the church?

Craig Richardson is the President of the Energy and Environment Legal Institute. Today, Craig will be discussing how cash-hungry mayors are hoping to win against big oil companies – risking the future for everyone.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are some cities, counties, and even Parishes across America filing suit against big oil, such as Exxon?

Some of these same cities now blame big oil for potential future coastal flooding due to melting ice caps. However, when the mayors and town leaders requested bond money, they did not mention this potential “problem” to investors. What’s UP with that?

Are these same leaders ignoring the carbon they themselves emit because of their own buses, airports, ports, and other carbon-using industries?

Why has Craig Richardson’s organization filed numerous Freedom of Information Acts requests concerning this issue?

Are organizations like the Energy and Environment Legal Institute needed for this very reason?

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