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May 3, 2017

Title: Brown Shirt Tactics Deployed by Dem’s
Topic: Brown Shirts in the US of A
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Has the leadership of today’s political Left resurrected the tactics of Hitler’s Brown Shirts?

Craig Richardson will be discussing the Left’s aggressive attempts to influence the public concerning environmental issues – and big, big money.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do American voters truly believe that humans are causing catastrophic, cataclysmic climate change? Is there undeniable proof of this?

Do voters really worry about the environment like the Left claims?

What was the true purpose of the “March for Science” and the “People’s Climate March”?

Who is Tom Steyer? Who does he donate big, big money to? Is Steyer the definition of a hypocrite?

Tune in to the next segment as Craig and Terry discuss the Brown Shirt Tactics.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Brown Shirt Tactics Deployed by Dem’s
Topic: Brown Shirts in the US of A
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Conservatives disrupt the “March for Science” and the “People’s Climate March”?

On the flip side... Does the Left often loudly protest anything Conservatives do? Craig says: “Part of it is them [the Left] acting like petulant children. The bigger issue is that they’re trying to shut down speech and that’s when it gets frightening.”

Were Hitler’s Brown Shirts trained to disrupt meetings so vehemently that the opposition just quit holding meetings altogether? Is this what the Left is doing now – shutting down everyone who disagrees with them?

What is the truth about climate change?

Where does the Left get their money?

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