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August 12, 2019

Title: UPDATE: Texas Economy
Topic: Texas Economy
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Glenn Hegar, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, has an update on how the Texas economy is performing under the Trump Administration.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Texas Economy growing? Glenn discusses the extremely low unemployment rate and the new jobs that have been created…

Are employers in Texas having a difficult time finding qualified employees?

How does the Texas economy compare to other states and nations?

Does Texas produce both oil and wine?

How much wind energy does Texas produce?

Are Trump’s trade policies helping the US export more goods and services to Canada and Mexico?

Is Glenn Hegar optimistic over the future of Texas and Texans?

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August 9, 2019

Title: Tax Free Weekend Now: August 9th - 11th
Topic: Tax Free Weekend
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

This weekend, August 9th – 11th, is tax free weekend in Texas. Glenn Hegar, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, has the details about what is tax free, what isn’t, and what stores/online retailers participate.

Click here  for more information.

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January 16, 2018

Title: Update on the Texas Economy with the Texas Comptroller
Topic: Texas Economy
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Glenn Hegar is the current Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. His office handles all things related to taxes, in addition to other issues. Listen in as Glenn offers an update on the Texas economy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Texas economy booming?

Are sales taxes, in general, increasing or decreasing?

Are tax revenues up or down?

How many new jobs were added in Texas during the last twelve months?

Should other states, like California, New York, and Illinois, look to Texas for guidance and advice to improve their states’ economies?

What are some of Glenn Hegar’s responsibilities as the Texas Comptroller?

Glenn is overjoyed that he does not have an opponent in the Republican Primary. He will, however, have a Democrat opponent in the November Election. Please click  here to lend your support.

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August 31, 2015

Title: Glenn Hegar Invites You to Coffee
Topic: Glenn Hegar Invites You to Coffee
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Who is the ‘Gate Keeper’ and who guards the checkbooks for the State of Texas? Answer: the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts – and that elected official is Glenn Hegar.

If you live in the Austin area, Glenn Hegar is inviting you to coffee at the Mozart’s Coffee Roaster’s at 3825 Lake Austin Blvd. in Austin Texas. This coffee happens on Tuesday September 1st from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.

Come, enjoy your favorite coffee, and ask Glenn hard questions about guarding your money.

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June 18, 2015

Title: The Bills Must get Paid
Topic: Texas Budget
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Overseeing the collection of Taxes and making sure the bills get paid is a huge task. But someone has to do it – and do it right. The Texas Constitution mandates “no deficit spending”. Someone has to be the Gate Keeper at the beginning of the process, during the process, and after the process. The person charged with this task is Glenn Hegar.

Glenn believes that managing the budget of an entire state must be handled the same way each household should manage their own budget: don’t spend more than you bring in. The Comptroller’s office is involved in almost every piece of legislation. So, obviously, managing an entire state’s budget is more difficult than a single household, but it can be done! He has proved that! For example, in regards to education, he says, “Sometimes you have to compare apples and apples. It’s not how much money you put into the classroom, but what is the quality of education that comes out. That’s the real metric, not just dollars spent.

Listen in as Glenn Hegar explains the budget process, the different taxes which must be assessed, and the people who help out. One of the biggest hurdles to tackle is being “fair” – it’s just not possible to give everyone everything they want.

FACT: Texas has the 12th largest economy in the world! There are 500 people who move to Texas every day. Now, that’s a lot of people! 

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January 20, 2015

Title: New Texas Spending Cap Announced
Topic: Texas Budget
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Show me the money! Texas has one of the best economies in the nation, if not the world. We certainly know how to make a budget and stick to it.

This year, like every year, the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts has presented the spending cap to the lawmakers, who are now given the task of distributing this money to various entities and projects for the next two years. Glenn Hegar is “the man”. Listen in as Glenn explains his responsibilities, the treasury, and how taxes factor in to the mix.

There is already $113 Billion in the Texas general revenue fund. Add that with the nearly $108 Billion from the federal government and Texas is looking at over $220 BILLION dollars to allocate to different agencies and committees over the next two years (beginning with the fiscal year in September). How does this money get dispersed?

Also discussed in this segment with Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar is the falling oil prices and how this might affect the budget. For more on the budget and the responsibilities of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts click [here].

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July 14, 2014

Title: The Next Gatekeeper of Texas
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Part 1 of 4

Senator Glenn Hegar is the Republican candidate for Texas Comptroller. What does the Texas Comptroller do? Why is it so important? Why is the title nicknamed “The Gate Keeper”?

Glenn knows the importance of every vote. He won the Republican nomination by a mere 43 votes during the Primary in March.

Listen in as Glenn describes the Comptroller’s responsibilities and how he plans on making Texas an even better place to live and raise a family.

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - The Next Gatekeeper of Texas
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Last year, Senator Glenn Hegar was an out-spoken supporter of HB2, often called the “front mic” in the political circle. Glenn talks about the bill, its importance, and how it has helped save the lives of countless babies since its passage.

Glenn also discusses why it is so hard for supporters and activists to stay motivated during the summer months.

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - The Next Gatekeeper of Texas
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

During the 83rd Legislature, as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Fiscal Matters, Senator Glenn Hegar was able to help cut $1 Billion in taxes. That is NOT an easy task!

Glenn also discusses T.A.B.O.R. – The Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights. Should Texas have one? How has T.A.B.O.R. worked for other states? Should Texas establish a sales tax?

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - The Next Gatekeeper of Texas
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

If knocking on a stranger’s door terrifies you to the point of a panic attack or the mere thought of making phone calls causes you to break out in hives, stop stressing! There are loads of different things you can do to help – stuff envelopes, make food for other volunteers, put a sign in your front yard or a bumper sticker on your car. It’s the “little things” that oftentimes help out the most.

Pick a candidate or two and volunteer and hour or so every week. That may not seem like much to you, but to them – it’s priceless!

If you would like to help Glenn and his campaign, log on to

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May 21, 2014

Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

After nearly 1.2 million votes were cast in the  Republican Primary back in March, one candidate can truly say “every vote really DOES count!” By a mere 43 votes, Glenn Hegar is the Republican Nominee for Comptroller. Glenn states that it took every one who voted for him to put him over the top and he is so thankful for all the votes.

Glenn Hegar encourages everyone to vote in the runoff. Even if you did not vote in the March Primary, you can still vote. If you voted Democrat in the March Primary, then you cannot vote in the Republican Runoff. As long as you are registered to vote, you can vote this week or next Tuesday (after Memorial Day).

Click [here] to find the sample ballot for your county and the early voting locations and times.

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May 20, 2014

Title: Who is Glenn Hegar?
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

After nearly 1.2 million votes were cast in the rest Republican Primary back in March, one candidate can truly say “every vote really DOES count!” By a mere 43 votes, Glenn Hegar is the Republican Nominee for Comptroller. Glenn states that it took every one who voted for him to put him over the top and he is so thankful for all the votes.

Glenn Hegar encourages everyone to vote in the runoff. Even if you did not vote in the March Primary, you can still vote. If you voted Democrat in the March Primary, then you cannot vote in the Republican Runoff. As long as you are registered to vote, you can vote this week or next Tuesday (after Memorial Day).

Use our links to find the sample ballot for your county and the early voting map.

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January 6, 2014

Title: Gatekeeper for Texas
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

The Comptroller is the Gatekeeper over Texas spending. State Senator Glenn Hegar is seeking to become the next Comptroller.

What leaders saying about Glenn Hegar:

    “Senator Hegar has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to protect innocent human life…” Elizabeth Graham, Texas Right to Life

    “During both special sessions, Senator Hegar showed tremendous character and integrity as author of important pro-life legislation…” Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum

    “Glenn Hegar is someone who stands firmly on principle. Texans can rely on him to do the right thing and never waiver under pressure…” Carol Everett, The Heidi Group

Listen in for more.

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January 2, 2014

Title: Gatekeeper for Texas
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

The Comptroller is the Gatekeeper over Texas spending. State Senator Glenn Hegar is seeking to become the next Comptroller.
What leaders saying about Glenn Hegar:

    “Senator Hegar has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to protect innocent human life…” Elizabeth Graham, Texas Right to Life

    “During both special sessions, Senator Hegar showed tremendous character and integrity as author of important pro-life legislation…” Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum

    “Glenn Hegar is someone who stands firmly on principle. Texans can rely on him to do the right thing and never waiver under pressure…” Carol Everett, The Heidi Group

Listen in for more.

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December 5, 2013

Title: Protecting Women and their Babies
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Part 1 of 2

Glenn Hegar defended the Pro-Life bill in the Texas Senate and he is defending it today. Senator Hegar joined with Texas Right to Life, Eagle Forum, and fifty-eight other Legislators in an Amicus Brief before the US Fifth Circuit.

Some view protecting women and their babies as a war. In a way, it is a war - a spiritual war. Since Roe v. Wade, over 50 million babies have died in abortion clinics across America. We do not know how many women have also died during the process.

The focus of HB 2 is to protect women and their babies by outlawing the practice of substandard care. Glenn Hegar explains the battle at hand.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

State Senator Glenn Hegar is one of the announced candidates for Texas Comptroller.

By law, the Texas legislature cannot spend more than is available or certified each session by the Texas Comptroller. The Texas Comptroller is the guardian of the taxpayer and is truly the Gatekeeper.

It’s time all Texans learned the name Glenn Hegar, Candidate for Texas Comptroller. Log onto his website for ways to help Glenn Hegar to become the next Gatekeeper.

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October 17, 2013

Title: Gatekeeper Receives Another Award
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

The National Rifle Association awarded Senator Glenn Hegar with its Defender of Freedom Award. Senator Glenn Hegar states: “Over the last 10 years, it has been a priority and a privilege to work alongside fellow 2nd Amendment advocates to defend every Texan’s right to keep and bear arms.

Senator Hegar is an announced candidate for Texas Comptroller. The Texas Comptroller is the Gatekeeper protecting Texas taxpayers from elected officials who always want to spend more than there is.

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September 4, 2013

Title: Gatekeeper for Texas
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

The Comptroller is the Gatekeeper over Texas spending. State Senator Glenn Hegar is seeking to become the next Comptroller. What leaders saying about Glenn Hegar:

Senator Hegar has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to protect innocent human life…” Elizabeth Graham, Texas Right to Life

During both special sessions, Senator Hegar showed tremendous character and integrity as author of important pro-life legislation…” Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum

Glenn Hegar is someone who stands firmly on principle. Texans can rely on him to do the right thing and never waiver under pressure…” Carol Everett, The Heidi Group

Listen in for more.

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August 28, 2013

Title: Gatekeeper for Texas
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

The Comptroller is the Gatekeeper over Texas spending. State Senator Glenn Hegar is seeking to become the next Comptroller. What leaders saying about Glenn Hegar:

Senator Hegar has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to protect innocent human life…” Elizabeth Graham, Texas Right to Life

During both special sessions, Senator Hegar showed tremendous character and integrity as author of important pro-life legislation…” Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum

Glenn Hegar is someone who stands firmly on principle. Texans can rely on him to do the right thing and never waiver under pressure…” Carol Everett, The Heidi Group

Listen in for more.

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August 16, 2013

Title: Who Really Controls Texas Spending: The Comptroller
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

By Texas Constitution, the Texas legislature can NOT spend more than what is certified available. But who makes that call? Who sets the Cap on total expenditures?

The Texas Comptroller certifies at the beginning of each legislative session the amount of funds available. This is an estimate and the Governor, Lt. Governor, and/or Speaker of the House, amongst others, could apply political pressure for a higher amount.

Senator Glenn Hegar is seeking to become the next Comptroller, the Gatekeeper over Texas Spending. Would he bow to political pressure to ‘cook the books’? Listen in.

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July 30, 2013

Title: Sales Tax Holiday August 9 through the 11
Topic: Tax Free Days: 2013
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Plan ahead Texas shoppers to receive a break from state and local sales and use taxes on back to school shopping.

All sellers located in Texas ‘should’ participate in this statewide event on Friday, August 9 through Sunday, August 11.

Use our link in the scrolling banner ads for more information.

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July 17, 2013

Title: The Passage. The Process. The Next Step: Protecting Women and Saving Babies
Topic: Protecting Women
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Part 1 of 2

The old saying is “don’t watch the sausage as it is being made…” The debate and final passage of the Pro-Life Bill in Austin late last week was wrenching.

To hear some scream: “Hail Satan”. To see young children advocating the destruction of babies in the womb was heart-breaking.

To read headlines so biased was tragic. Senator Glenn Hegar, the author of the Pro-Life legislation in the Senate, stood for over nine hours defending the merits of protecting women and babies. In the end, victory was achieved.

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Title: Tax Free Days Coming Soon: August 9 - 11
Topic: Tax Free Days: 2013
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Part 2 of 2

Leading up to the start of school each year, the Texas legislature allows for Tax Free Days on certain school supplies.

Senator Glenn Hegar encourages all with school age children to plan their Back-To-School shopping to take advantage of the upcoming “Tax Free Days” in early August.

Certain items costing less than $100 will be exempt from state and local sales taxes on Friday, August 9 through Sunday, August 11.

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July 11, 2013

Title: Pray Now for Senator Glenn Hegar: Author of Senate Pro-Life Bill
Topic: Protecting Women
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Why must legislation be read three times before passage?

What is next for the Pro-Life Bill? Senator Glenn Hegar is the author of the Pro-Life bill in the Senate. Therefore, he will be defending it today during the Senate Committee hearing and when the full Senate takes up the bill as early as tomorrow.

Be praying for Senator Hegar and for the passage of the Pro-Life Bill. It will save babies. Listen in…

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June 21, 2013

Title: Protecting Women
Topic: Protecting Women
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Requiring all abortion clinics to adhere to the standards of any ambulatory surgical center is the right thing to do. Too many women have been subjected to less than sanitary conditions for far too long.

Who could be against safety standards, especially those already in place for other ambulatory surgical centers throughout Texas? Stop the ‘back alley’ abortionists.

Senator Glenn Hegar thanks all of the people who worked for protecting women.

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February 22, 2013

Title: An Update from Austin with Senator Glenn Hegar
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Senator Glenn Hegar is the youngest member of the Texas Senate. He has been serving the people of District 18 diligently for four years.

Today, he talks about the Rainy Day Fund, the population explosion in Texas, improving water supplies, and the Grand Parkway. You can contact Glenn at his local office in Katy at (281) 391-8883 or in Austin at (512) 463-0118. To email a comment or question, use his Texas Senate website.

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February 18, 2013

Title: Our Children’s Future
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

A very important vote will be taking place this week on Capitol Hill in Austin.

Please be in prayer for Barbara Cargill, a wonderful woman who has served on the State Board of Education for several years. Members of the House will be voting on whether she deserves to be the next Chairperson of the SBOE - and she definitely deserves the title!

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March 16, 2007

Topic: HPV Vaccine
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Rep. Hegar asks "acting" Executive Commissioner of Health and Human Services to clarify his intentions with our young girls. Will he or won't he shoot them up with the HPV vaccine?

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November 17, 2005

Title: Tx DOT and paving your backyard
Topic: Highway Construction
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

State Representative Glenn Hegar comments on highway and road construction being planned for our area. Many want and demand new roads but most say: "NOT IN MY BACKYARD!" NIMBYism

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June 20, 2005

Title: Tx DoT and paving your backyard
Topic: Highway Construction
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

State Representative Glenn Hegar comments on highway and road construction being planned for our area. Many want and demand new roads but most say: "NOT IN MY BACKYARD!" NIMBYism

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February 11, 2005

Title: Glenn Hegar serves on subcommittee looking for wasteful State spending - you could help!
Topic: Conversation with an Elected Official
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Representative Glenn Hegar is the only Houston area Representative on the subcommittee overseeing government efficiency and wasteful spending. Your suggestions on how to cut needless state spending could be directed to Glenn Hegar. His district covers some rural areas in Waller, Fort Bend, and Wharton Counties. Also, are strong farms and ranches important for Texas?

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