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January 6, 2014

Title: Gatekeeper for Texas
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

The Comptroller is the Gatekeeper over Texas spending. State Senator Glenn Hegar is seeking to become the next Comptroller.

What leaders saying about Glenn Hegar:

    “Senator Hegar has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to protect innocent human life…” Elizabeth Graham, Texas Right to Life

    “During both special sessions, Senator Hegar showed tremendous character and integrity as author of important pro-life legislation…” Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum

    “Glenn Hegar is someone who stands firmly on principle. Texans can rely on him to do the right thing and never waiver under pressure…” Carol Everett, The Heidi Group

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January 2, 2014

Title: Gatekeeper for Texas
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

The Comptroller is the Gatekeeper over Texas spending. State Senator Glenn Hegar is seeking to become the next Comptroller.
What leaders saying about Glenn Hegar:

    “Senator Hegar has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to protect innocent human life…” Elizabeth Graham, Texas Right to Life

    “During both special sessions, Senator Hegar showed tremendous character and integrity as author of important pro-life legislation…” Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum

    “Glenn Hegar is someone who stands firmly on principle. Texans can rely on him to do the right thing and never waiver under pressure…” Carol Everett, The Heidi Group

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December 5, 2013

Title: Protecting Women and their Babies
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Part 1 of 2

Glenn Hegar defended the Pro-Life bill in the Texas Senate and he is defending it today. Senator Hegar joined with Texas Right to Life, Eagle Forum, and fifty-eight other Legislators in an Amicus Brief before the US Fifth Circuit.

Some view protecting women and their babies as a war. In a way, it is a war - a spiritual war. Since Roe v. Wade, over 50 million babies have died in abortion clinics across America. We do not know how many women have also died during the process.

The focus of HB 2 is to protect women and their babies by outlawing the practice of substandard care. Glenn Hegar explains the battle at hand.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

State Senator Glenn Hegar is one of the announced candidates for Texas Comptroller.

By law, the Texas legislature cannot spend more than is available or certified each session by the Texas Comptroller. The Texas Comptroller is the guardian of the taxpayer and is truly the Gatekeeper.

It’s time all Texans learned the name Glenn Hegar, Candidate for Texas Comptroller. Log onto his website for ways to help Glenn Hegar to become the next Gatekeeper.

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October 17, 2013

Title: Gatekeeper Receives Another Award
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

The National Rifle Association awarded Senator Glenn Hegar with its Defender of Freedom Award. Senator Glenn Hegar states: “Over the last 10 years, it has been a priority and a privilege to work alongside fellow 2nd Amendment advocates to defend every Texan’s right to keep and bear arms.

Senator Hegar is an announced candidate for Texas Comptroller. The Texas Comptroller is the Gatekeeper protecting Texas taxpayers from elected officials who always want to spend more than there is.

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September 4, 2013

Title: Gatekeeper for Texas
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

The Comptroller is the Gatekeeper over Texas spending. State Senator Glenn Hegar is seeking to become the next Comptroller. What leaders saying about Glenn Hegar:

Senator Hegar has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to protect innocent human life…” Elizabeth Graham, Texas Right to Life

During both special sessions, Senator Hegar showed tremendous character and integrity as author of important pro-life legislation…” Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum

Glenn Hegar is someone who stands firmly on principle. Texans can rely on him to do the right thing and never waiver under pressure…” Carol Everett, The Heidi Group

Listen in for more.

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August 28, 2013

Title: Gatekeeper for Texas
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

The Comptroller is the Gatekeeper over Texas spending. State Senator Glenn Hegar is seeking to become the next Comptroller. What leaders saying about Glenn Hegar:

Senator Hegar has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to protect innocent human life…” Elizabeth Graham, Texas Right to Life

During both special sessions, Senator Hegar showed tremendous character and integrity as author of important pro-life legislation…” Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum

Glenn Hegar is someone who stands firmly on principle. Texans can rely on him to do the right thing and never waiver under pressure…” Carol Everett, The Heidi Group

Listen in for more.

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August 16, 2013

Title: Who Really Controls Texas Spending: The Comptroller
Topic: Gatekeeper Over Texas Spending
Discussed by Glenn Hegar
with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

By Texas Constitution, the Texas legislature can NOT spend more than what is certified available. But who makes that call? Who sets the Cap on total expenditures?

The Texas Comptroller certifies at the beginning of each legislative session the amount of funds available. This is an estimate and the Governor, Lt. Governor, and/or Speaker of the House, amongst others, could apply political pressure for a higher amount.

Senator Glenn Hegar is seeking to become the next Comptroller, the Gatekeeper over Texas Spending. Would he bow to political pressure to ‘cook the books’? Listen in.

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