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July 2, 2015

Title: Abortionists Need Jesus, Too
Topic: Planned Bullyhood
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

After 20 years of prayer and protests, a Planned Parenthood facility is finally closing its doors in Washington, DC. Judie Brown, the President of the American Life League, says this: “It was through prayer and action on the part of vigilant people who have been present and protesting at the clinic.” This is the 8th Planned Parenthood abortion clinic that the ALL has helped shut down this year! Praise God!

Five years ago, the ALL started a movement called “Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood”. Through this initiative, there has been a drastic decline in the number of abortions at 173 Planned Parenthood facilities. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of babies have been saved from murder! Again – Praise God!

The American Life League is a community of all faiths. A Baptist might be praying next to a Catholic reciting the Rosary who is standing next to a person from a non-denominational church, raising her hands high in thanksgiving and honor to the Lord Almighty. Through peaceful and prayerful protests outside abortion clinics, Judie says, “We give all the glory to God. We don’t take any of the credit. We truly put our faith out there for all to see.”

Judie also warns Christians not to get worked up; always stay calm. The moment you lose your temper, you lose and they win.

Jesus told his disciples: “Let’s be going.” What are you doing – where will you go – to help save one more baby? Click here  to help the American Life League in their efforts to stop abortion. Currently, they are actively trying to close the Planned Parenthood mega-clinic in San Antonio.

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November 22, 2013

Title: Will Planned Parenthood Ever Learn?
Topic: Planned Bullyhood
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Women are being turned away from abortion facilities in Texas and the left is crying “No Fair!” Most people know by now that the SCOTUS refused to hear arguments on HB2, which is a new, stricter abortion law in Texas.

Abby Johnson, a former abortion facility worker who had a dramatic change of heart, called 14 Texas Planned Parenthood facilities, faking pregnancy to get information on their abortion practices. You can hear the conversations in full at

Listen is as Dr. Pojman gives more details about the pending lawsuit concerning the matter.

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October 23, 2012

Title: Sucker Punched By Planned Bullyhood!
Topic: Planned Bullyhood
Discussed by Karen Handel

Is abortion a key issue in this presidential debate? Does Planned Parenthood perform mammograms? What is the number of mammogram machines Planned Parenthood owns in any 1 of their locations in America?

Could any of the Planned Parenthood affiliates in America perform mammograms? If not, do they want mammogram machines? How many Planned Parenthood facilities are there in America?

In years past, did the Susan G. Komen foundation forward grant dollars to Planned Parenthood? How long had this relationship been in place? Were conservative pro-life groups questioning the foundation about the grants going to Planned Parenthood?

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