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August 22, 2022

Title: Texas Needs More Reliable and Affordable Energy Options
Topic: Energy Makes America Great
Discussed by Wayne Christian
with Wayne Christian (

Wayne Christian is the Chairman of the Texas Railroad Commissioner and will be on the ballot in November. Today he discusses the negative aspects of wind and solar energy and urges the building of more thermal power plants – natural gas, coal, and/or nuclear.

He recently wrote: “The Houston Chronicle claims that without wind and solar the Texas electric grid would be in trouble, but the opposite is true. It’s because of wind and solar we’re in trouble, and it’s only thanks to thermal energy did Texas avoid problems this time. If real life were like sports, thermal energy would be the MVP and wind and solar would get a participation trophy.”

Click here for more information about Wayne Christian, candidate for Texas Railroad Commissioner.

Click here for more information about the responsibilities of the Texas Railroad Commission office.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Storytime: One player scored 68 points in a 3-man basketball game, another scored 11 points, and the third only scored 1 point. Why would a sports writer choose to declare the player who scored only 1 point as the player of the game? Wayne says: “Because that’s the one they’re promoting and want to win. It’s like rigging a casino in Las Vegas… Logic is out the window.”

Is wind energy designed to produce more than 1,000 MW in Texas?

How much money has Texas spent to date for unreliable wind and solar energy? Answer: Approximately $66 billion, subsidizing an additional $22 billion! Wayne mentions recent information released by the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

The Texas population grew about 16% from 2010 to 2020 and is still growing by approximately 1,000 per day. As a result, new wind and solar plants are being built. BUT… Can the “green energy” keep up with demand? ANSWER: NOPE! Are new thermal power plants – natural gas, coal, and/or nuclear – needed? ANSWER: YES!

Are Texans being gaslighted into believing wind and solar energy can supply our needs for affordable, reliable electricity? Book Reference: “Fossil Future” by Alex Epstein

Would shutting down oil and gas activity in Texas be devasting for consumers?

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November 16, 2016

Title: Energy Enables You
Topic: Energy Makes America Great
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Bill Sydow is a long-time friend and an expert in the oil and gas field. He is currently the Director for Oil and Gas for the state of Nebraska. Today, he will be discussing several topics of interest concerning fossil fuels, the past, and the future. Without the energy you have at our finger tips, how many servants would you need?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Michael Economides? Why did Michael make such an impact on Bill Sydow and so many others in the oil and gas field?

What is one fact which Michael helped prove concerning large economies, population, life-span, and the use of coal?

If America stopped using fossil fuels, how many “slaves” or “bond servants” would be needed for each family to keep the economy going? Listen in to hear what this means! If you had to grow all your food – vegies and meat…find fuel to burn and water to use…go without using one electrical appliance for one day – including your cell phone, iPad, computer…try a family adventure for a day…let me know how it works out.

Will the oil and gas industry thrive or dive in the coming years, especially on Federal land?

Is there a massive amount of land in Alaska which is prime for drilling? Why can’t we utilize it?

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