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November 9, 2016

Title: When Will the Madness End?
Topic: Bacon Double Cheeseburger
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

So, there is a man in England who legally changed his name to Bacon Double Cheeseburger. Yes, you read that correctly. Bacon Double Cheeseburger is the man’s new name. Why in the world that someone would do such a thing? Is there anything wrong with it? After all, he's not hurting anyone. If he wants to suffer the raised eyebrows and snickers likely to come his way every time he introduces himself, that's nobody's business but his own, is it?

Or maybe it is. In his op-ed on the issue, Rabbi Yonason Goldson says, “There's a reason why customs and conventions take hold, because the unwritten rules that govern a society are what holds a society together. We don't want to legislate these implicit laws, but when we discard them then the fabric of our culture begins to unravel, to everyone's detriment.

Just a few generations ago, this type of crazy behavior was completely unheard of. Maybe a celebrity or two would change their name or wear a wild outfit, but that was not reality; it was simply a celebrity trying to gain attention. The “real world” still thought such acts were laughable. Now, “there’s a desperate need for people to attract attention to themselves,” Rabbi Goldson believes. “It’s a loss of modesty.”

Listen in as he uses Biblical and historical references to urge people to return to simpler, happier times. “When we start saying that these little things don’t make a difference anymore, then we’re on the proverbial slippery slope. Eventually big those won’t make a difference.

To order Rabbi Yonason Goldson’s book, “Proverbial Beauty: Secrets for Success and Happiness from the Wisdom of the Ages”, click here.

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March 22, 2016

Title: When Will the Madness End?
Topic: Bacon Double Cheeseburger
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

So, there is a man in England who legally changed his name to Bacon Double Cheeseburger. Yes, you read that correctly. Bacon Double Cheeseburger is the man’s new name. Why in the world that someone would do such a thing? Is there anything wrong with it? After all, he's not hurting anyone. If he wants to suffer the raised eyebrows and snickers likely to come his way every time he introduces himself, that's nobody's business but his own, is it?

Or maybe it is. In his op-ed on the issue, Rabbi Yonason Goldson says, “There's a reason why customs and conventions take hold, because the unwritten rules that govern a society are what holds a society together. We don't want to legislate these implicit laws, but when we discard them then the fabric of our culture begins to unravel, to everyone's detriment.

Just a few generations ago, this type of crazy behavior was completely unheard of. Maybe a celebrity or two would change their name or wear a wild outfit, but that was not reality; it was simply a celebrity trying to gain attention. The “real world” still thought such acts were laughable. Now, “there’s a desperate need for people to attract attention to themselves,” Rabbi Goldson believes. “It’s a loss of modesty.”

Listen in as he uses Biblical and historical references to urge people to return to simpler, happier times. “When we start saying that these little things don’t make a difference anymore, then we’re on the proverbial slippery slope. Eventually big those won’t make a difference.

To order Rabbi Yonason Goldson’s book, “Proverbial Beauty: Secrets for Success and Happiness from the Wisdom of the Ages”, click here.

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