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December 14, 2023

Title: SHOCKER: Americans are Rejecting Electric Vehicles
Topic: Electric Cars
Discussed by Kevin Stocklin
with The Epoch Times (

President Joe Biden’s vision for net-zero central planning is meeting resistance from every day Americans.

Kevin Stocklin, with The Epoch Times, has more details about this failing venture. Kevin is a writer, film producer, and former investment banker. He wrote and produced “We All Fall Down: The American Mortgage Crisis”, a 2008 documentary on the collapse of the U.S. mortgage finance system.

Click here to read Kevin’s article on this topic. While you’re there, take advantage of their special and subscribe for only $1/week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why have thousands of auto dealers signed a letter asking Biden to stop forcing electric vehicles (EVs) on American consumers?

Why are people hesitant to purchase an EV?

Has the Biden Administration responded to the dealerships’ concerns? HINT: What do YOU think??

Is Biden’s plan having a massive negative effect on America’s electric grid?

If Biden wins a second term, will he double down on his green mandates? Kevin explains how every government entity that you can imagine is already pushing “green energy” and it will only get worse.

Can our electrical grid sustain such a huge change?

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November 8, 2023

Title: Unmasking the True Costs of Electric Vehicles
Topic: Electric Cars
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

How much does it really cost for an electric vehicle? If you think this won’t affect you because you drive a gas-powered vehicle - - think again!

Dr. Brent Bennett is the Policy Director for Life:Powered with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, he discusses the latest research report he co-authored with Jason Isaac, former Texas State Representative and current Director for Life:Powered.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Manufacturers of electric vehicles receive nearly $22 billion in federal and state subsidies and regulatory credits. What does this amount to per electric vehicle produced?

Does every single taxpayer pay for these subsidies – regardless of whether or not they drive an electric vehicle?

Should there be full transparency by the manufacturers and the US government regarding subsidies for electric vehicles?

Are new consumers continuing to flock to electric vehicle show room floors?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Unmasking the True Costs of Electric Vehicles
Topic: Electric Cars
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have several electric vehicle manufacturers scaled back on their future plans?

What is the difference between an electric vehicle and a hybrid vehicle?

California wants a total ban on internal combustion engine vehicles (gas-powered vehicles) by 2035. Is this even possible?

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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September 23, 2015

Title: Taxpayer Money for Electric Car Charging Stations
Topic: Electric Cars
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

In Texas, we like our trucks and SUV’s. Most Texans don’t like those tiny smart cars or other electric cars. If you do, then great! But it was your choice to buy that car, wasn’t it? You were able to choose that smart car over a truck.

But, what if the government forced you to buy a certain car? Tom Pyle is with the American Energy Alliance. They recently conducted a survey examining voter’s response to transportation policy. First, most respondents do not believe that high wage earners should receive a credit for buying an electric vehicle. In fact, the majority believe that the government shouldn’t be involved at all!

Case in point… Some elected officials want all taxpayers to help fund and pay for electric car charging stations. Tom reveals that respondents don’t want to bear the cost. They also do not want a mandate or subsidy regarding what types of vehicles we can buy. “If electric cars made economic sense, they wouldn’t be subsidized,” Tom points out.

Government is already too involved with other aspects of our lives. We need to keep what type of vehicle we drive our own choice and privilege. Check out their website linked above to learn more information.

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