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February 1, 2017

Title: Keystone and Dakota Pipelines
Topic: Keystone and Dakota Pipelines
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Part 1 of 2

President Trump has signed executive actions to advance the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines and to streamline the permitting process for important energy and infrastructure projects.

Tom Pyle is the President of the American Energy Alliance. They recently issued a statement, commenting that they “look forward to analyzing these particular actions when the White House releases the final text of the orders”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Cherries from Michigan…Apples from the State of Washington…Pineapples from Hawaii…How did all those products make it to our favorite grocery stores?

Which is safest mode to transport crude oil: truck, train, or pipeline?

When an accident occurs, is more crude oil spilled by train or by pipeline?

Trucks, trains, and pipelines all move products from source areas to consumption areas, allowing consumers a vast array of choices in food and products. Do we really want to go back to using and consuming products made/grown from within a 10-20 mile area from where we live? Is this even feasible in today’s economy?

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Title: Keystone and Dakota Pipelines - Part 2 of 2
Topic: Keystone and Dakota Pipelines
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it a proven fact that the more energy a nation consumes, the more successful it is? Not only is a nation more prosperous, the citizens live longer and have better education opportunities (especially for females).

Is cheaper energy better for all economies, specifically those below the poverty level?

Listen in as Tom Pyle explains the economics of the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines.

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