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September 25, 2017

Title: Is Trumpcare on the Horizon?
Topic: Trumpcare
Discussed by Josh Bernstein
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

Part 1 of 2

Trumpcare is poised to replace Obamacare with Republicans reportedly only a vote or two away. If successful, this would be a quantum shift away from the largest tax penalty in U.S. history and federal control over an additional 1/6 of the entire U.S. In addition, Trumpcare would be a move toward states’ rights over health care.

Josh Bernstein is a political analyst and spokesperson for the Association of Mature American Citizens. Today, he will be offering insight into this heated battle and what Trumpcare means for our future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Republicans make a deal with the Democrats regarding the replacement or any changes with Obamacare? Is there a deadline of September 30, 2017?

How many times have the Republicans tried to work with the Democrats concerning this issue?

Lindsey Graham is co-author of the bill. How could anything written by moderate Senator Graham ever satisfy Conservative Republicans?

This is the fourth attempt by the Republicans to repeal/replace Obamacare. Is this the best deal or was there one better?

Bottom line: Does this new bill eliminate the government paying for healthcare, giving individual states the right to use “block grants”?

What are “block grants”? Are states required to buy health insurance for the uninsured or can they use the funds for other medical costs?

Tune in to the next segment with Josh Bernstein for more information about AARP’s connection to Obamacare. Also, to learn more about Josh, click here.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is Trumpcare on the Horizon?
Topic: Trumpcare
Discussed by Josh Bernstein
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has AARP gone on record supporting Obamacare 100%? Why is this is BAD move for seniors?

How much money has AARP spent lobbying in favor of Obamacare? NOTE: It’s a lot!

What does the Graham/Cassidy bill offer in regards to insuring every person in America?

Is healthcare a right?

Will the Graham/Cassidy bill get enough votes to pass?

Do the RHINO’s in Congress rely on the MSM to hang the true Republicans out to dry?

For more information on the Association of Mature American Citizens, please call 888.262.2006 or click here.

If you mention Josh Bernstein’s name and The What’s UP Radio Program, you will receive a FREE year membership! What a deal!

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July 31, 2017

Title: What Will Happen to Jeff Sessions?
Topic: Jeff Sessions
Discussed by Josh Bernstein
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (


Josh Bernstein is a TV talk show host, political analyst, commentator, and National Spokesman for The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). Today. Josh will be discussing Jess Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from the Russian investigation and what happens next.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will President Trump ask Jeff Sessions to resign? Or, will Trump tell Sessions “You’re fired”?

Would it be smart politically or a disaster for the President to replace his Attorney General?

Listen as Josh Bernstein ticks through all the various people that “should” be investigated…

Can the President replace Sessions without Congressional approval or confirmation?

Might the replacement for Attorney General Sessions be Senator Ted Cruz? Josh doesn’t think so! Who does he prefer?

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March 9, 2017

Title: Did Obama Spy on Trump?
Topic: Spying Government
Discussed by Josh Bernstein
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

It’s not 1984, but Big Brother is watching you scratch while pick your nose. Big Government is compiling and storing your emails, texts, and capturing all your phone calls just in case you are ever a threat.  But, a threat to what?

Josh Bernstein is a TV and Radio Talk Show Host, Political Analyst, and Commentator. He is also the National Spokesman for The Association of Mature American Citizens. Listen in as Josh reveals the shocking evidence that proves the US Government is, in fact, watching you.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did President Trump tweet an accusation claiming Former President Barack Hussein Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower?

Is there undeniable proof that Obama attempted to obtain a wiretap of Trump Tower while he was President in June of 2016 and again in October of 2016?

Listen as Josh Bernstein reveals what other information will be discovered from this investigation. Hint: Russia, Obama, and Pelosi are involved.

Does Obama have a history of wiretapping his political enemies?

Are we just now beginning to see the tip of the iceberg - the small, observable part of a much larger situation or problem that remains yet exposed? Listen as Josh reveals even more scandalous information!

Download Josh Bernstein’s FREE APP on iTunes or Google Play. Search “The Josh Bernstein Show”.

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January 7, 2015

Title: Temp Services Love Obamacare
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Josh Bernstein
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

What in the world is a “29er?” Is this a new football term? Is it someone who wishes they were younger?

Josh Bernstein, with the Association of Mature American Citizens, explains that the term “29er” is an employee who has been cut from full-time work to part-time work due to Obamacare. This, however, has given businesses which offer temporary employment services to other companies a boom.

SHOCKER: Josh says Obamacare was actually designed to force this nightmare into a reality, with the ultimate goal of a one-payer system.

We cannot rebuild America to a powerhouse in the world using only temp workers. Listen in as Josh explains why this is such a bad deal for American workers and what we must do to get away from temp work.

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December 5, 2014

Title: Amnesty and Increasing Minimum Wage
Topic: Amnesty and Increasing Minimum Wage
Discussed by Josh Bernstein
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

What do amnesty and increasing the minimum wage have in common? First, it is proven across the globe (not just in America) that when the minimum wage rate is increased, employment goes down. What does this mean for all those illegal immigrants Obama just granted amnesty to? Bill Clinton even said “It’s the economy, stupid!”

If someone never gets their first job, they’ll never get their second job! Pretty simple logic, but that is exactly what the left wants. It is exactly what Obama’s executive amnesty is all about: a permanent voting base.

Josh Bernstein is a fellow radio talk show host and the official spokesperson for the Association of Mature American Citizens. Josh believes that, when all is said and done, 40 plus Million people will receive amnesty. 34 Million ID cards have already been ordered for crying out loud! These illegal immigrants will not be able to find decent jobs, therefore they will be granted food stamps, WIC, public housing, and free healthcare generation after generation after generation. The cycle will never end.

Log on to  to read Josh Bernstein’s full article.

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