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December 5, 2014

Title: Amnesty and Increasing Minimum Wage
Topic: Amnesty and Increasing Minimum Wage
Discussed by Josh Bernstein
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

What do amnesty and increasing the minimum wage have in common? First, it is proven across the globe (not just in America) that when the minimum wage rate is increased, employment goes down. What does this mean for all those illegal immigrants Obama just granted amnesty to? Bill Clinton even said “It’s the economy, stupid!”

If someone never gets their first job, they’ll never get their second job! Pretty simple logic, but that is exactly what the left wants. It is exactly what Obama’s executive amnesty is all about: a permanent voting base.

Josh Bernstein is a fellow radio talk show host and the official spokesperson for the Association of Mature American Citizens. Josh believes that, when all is said and done, 40 plus Million people will receive amnesty. 34 Million ID cards have already been ordered for crying out loud! These illegal immigrants will not be able to find decent jobs, therefore they will be granted food stamps, WIC, public housing, and free healthcare generation after generation after generation. The cycle will never end.

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