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March 9, 2017

Title: Did Obama Spy on Trump?
Topic: Spying Government
Discussed by Josh Bernstein
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

It’s not 1984, but Big Brother is watching you scratch while pick your nose. Big Government is compiling and storing your emails, texts, and capturing all your phone calls just in case you are ever a threat.  But, a threat to what?

Josh Bernstein is a TV and Radio Talk Show Host, Political Analyst, and Commentator. He is also the National Spokesman for The Association of Mature American Citizens. Listen in as Josh reveals the shocking evidence that proves the US Government is, in fact, watching you.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did President Trump tweet an accusation claiming Former President Barack Hussein Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower?

Is there undeniable proof that Obama attempted to obtain a wiretap of Trump Tower while he was President in June of 2016 and again in October of 2016?

Listen as Josh Bernstein reveals what other information will be discovered from this investigation. Hint: Russia, Obama, and Pelosi are involved.

Does Obama have a history of wiretapping his political enemies?

Are we just now beginning to see the tip of the iceberg - the small, observable part of a much larger situation or problem that remains yet exposed? Listen as Josh reveals even more scandalous information!

Download Josh Bernstein’s FREE APP on iTunes or Google Play. Search “The Josh Bernstein Show”.

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