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September 14, 2018

Title: EPA Conducts Illegal Experiments on People?
Topic: EPA Human Experiments
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

The title of the next two segments says it all. And, no, we are not referring to “old experiments” from the last century. These are NEW experiments, which took place under the Obama administration.

Dr. Calvin Beisner is the Founder of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did our federal government once use African Americans as human guinea pigs in a study in Tuskegee, Alabama?

After this abuse was brought to light, were national and international laws passed to outlaw the use of human guinea pigs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - EPA Conducts Illegal Experiments on People?
Topic: EPA Human Experiments
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does our Federal EPA still use human guinea pigs?

Who discovered this?

What is the EPA doing? Listen as Dr. Beisner gives the gruesome details.

Did the people who volunteered for this experiment know of the dangers to their lives?

Dr. Beisner discussed “Scare Pollution”, by Steve Milloy. Visit Dr. Beisner’s page at Cornwall Alliance,  make a donation of ANY size during the month of September, and he’ll send you a FREE copy! Use the code: 1809

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September 1, 2016

Title: EPA Using Human Guinea Pigs
Topic: EPA Human Experiments
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Part 1 of 2

For years, the EPA has quietly been experimenting on humans with what the agency describes as deadly pollutants, including soot and diesel exhaust. Though the EPA tells the public and Congress that there is no safe exposure to these pollutants, it experiments with them at very high doses.

Steve Milloy is credited with popularizing the term “Junk Science”. For over twenty-five years, Steve has been fighting to debunk lies from the government and the media on all manner of issues. To learn more about Steve, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Concerning the topic today, Steve says, “Experiments using humans are strictly controlled, but the EPA does not care, nor follows the law.

Between 2000 and 2010, the government (EPA) conducted an experiment to determine the effects of potentially harmful levels of diesel on humans. Listen in as Steve Milloy explains the purpose of the experiment and reveals more details.

FACT: Some of the participants in the study were the very people which the EPA says are most vulnerable to the pollutants, including the elderly (up to age 80), children (as young as ten years old), and those with asthma, diabetes, and heart disease.

Did the director of the EPA testify before Congress of the lethal doses of breathing diesel exhaust?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - EPA Using Human Guinea Pigs
Topic: EPA Human Experiments
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After the Tuskegee Experiment, the government passed laws concerning the use of humans as guinea pigs for experiments. For instance, all participants must have fully informed consent. Listen in as Steve Milloy explains in more detail what the law requires.

Were the participants in this diesel study given full knowledge of what the experiment entailed?

What was the purpose of the diesel study? Was the EPA really trying to kill the participants?

How did Steve discover the EPA testing program, and what did he do?

Has the EPA attempted to cover this up?

What is Steve doing to expose this illegal, unethical use of humans as guinea pigs by our own government?

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April 15, 2014

Title: The EPA Tested Deadly Pollutants on Humans to Push Obama's Agenda
Topic: EPA Human Experiments
Discussed by Michael Bastasch
with The Daily Caller News Foundation

Part 1 of 2

From 1932 until 1972, the US government conducted experiments on African American males and females, now referred to as the Tuskegee Experiments.

Michael Bastasch, with the Daily Caller, says that although human testing was prohibited and limited after these experiments, the EPA conducted human studies in 2010 and 2011 to push an environmental agenda by Obama administration.

Michael discusses these experiments and the impact they could have on America’s future.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: EPA Human Experiments
Discussed by Michael Bastasch
with The Daily Caller News Foundation

Former EPA Administrator, Lisa Jackson, made the following statement during a Congressional hearing in 2011: “Particulate matter causes premature death. It doesn’t make you sick. It’s directly causal to dying sooner than you should.” Lisa also stated, “If we could reduce particulate matter to healthy levels it would have the same impact as finding a cure for cancer in our country.”

But, did Lisa Jackson provide evidence or any study to support these statements? Should students be taught this as “fact”?

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March 15, 2013

Topic: EPA Human Experiments
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Part 1 of 2

North Carolina Bill 187: An act to make research studies on humans using fine particulate matter, known as PM2.5, unlawful and to direct the Commission for Public Health to study and make recommendations to the General Assembly regarding research involving human subjects.

Take a look at the EPA’s own definition of PM2.5 on their website: “How can PM2.5 affect my health? Particles in the PM2.5 size range are able to travel deeply into the respiratory tract, reaching the lungs. Exposure to fine particles can cause short-term health effects such as eye, nose, throat and lung irritation, coughing, sneezing, runny nose and shortness of breath. Exposure to fine particles can also affect lung function and worsen medical conditions such as asthma and heart disease. Scientific studies have linked increases in daily PM2.5 exposure with increased respiratory and cardiovascular hospital admissions, emergency department visits and deaths. Studies also suggest that long term exposure to fine particulate matter may be associated with increased rates of chronic bronchitis, reduced lung function and increased mortality from lung cancer and heart disease. People with breathing and heart problems, children and the elderly may be particularly sensitive to PM2.5.”


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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: EPA Human Experiments
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

If the EPA continues to use human subjects for tests on PM2.5, will they be punished? Shouldn’t this type of testing be considered “abuse” and punishable by law? Shouldn’t former test subjects, who were lied to about the dangers they faced, be allowed to sue the government?

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