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January 20, 2014

Title: Pot Makes Young Adults Stupider
Topic: Govern By Polls
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

Part 1 of 2

In poll after poll, the majority of Americans have expressed a desire for ObamaCare to be repealed. Therefore, government should repeal it. The same logic has been used to legalize the sale and use of marijuana.

But, the marijuana of today is NOT the same marijuana of the 1960’s. The THC factor of a 1960’s joint was usually 1%. It might have been as high as 3%. Today, the THC can be as high as 90%.

A 25 year study shows early use of pot leads to lost IQ that is never regained. What America really does NOT need is teenagers and young adults that are ‘stupider’.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Govern By Polls
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

New York places about a $4.50 cent tax on the sale of a pack of cigarettes. Authorities report that about 61% of the cigarette sales in New York are smuggled in from other states. Legalizing the sale of marijuana will NOT do away with the Mafia, the drug lords, or illegal sales.

Some argue that states could collect sales revenue from the sale of marijuana. If raising sales tax revenue is a valid argument, I dare you to advocate taxing the purchases we all make on the internet. That would go over like a lead balloon.

Legalizing the sale of marijuana is not the solution. For more, log on to

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