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March 24, 2014

Title: Smoking Dope and Playing with Boys
Topic: Foreign Policy
Discussed by Dr. Mary Manjikian
with Regent University (

Part 1 of 2

Imposing economic sanctions on countries has not worked well in the past. Just look at Cuba, Iran, and Iraq.

The targets of these sanctions know that they are used as a last resort by the weak and cowardly. Listen in as Dr. Mary Manjikian, associate dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University and an expert on Russia, discusses the effects of imposing economic sanctions on various counties in the past.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Foreign Policy
Discussed by Dr. Mary Manjikian
with Regent University (

Putin threatened many things, including shutting off the flow of natural gas to Western Europe, in order to persuade the people of Crimea to join him. But what is his real desire?

What else, if anything, can President Obama and the UN do to reverse this? Is it really necessary? Or should America and others just back off? 

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Title: Playing the Trump Card
Topic: Foreign Policy
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

Putin plays in a different sandbox than what Obama plays in. Putin is a man’s man living in a real world where bad guys have guns and are not afraid to use them. Obama throws baseballs like a sissy and plays with weak boys.

The recent addition of Crimea to Russia is similar to Putin’s takeover of Abkhazia and South Ossetia after Georgia elected a pro-western leader. Many experts believe that Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet Empire and protect himself from revolution.

Liz Peek became a columnist and political analyst after more than two decades on Wall Street. Not only does she contribute her knowledge to The Fiscal Times, she also writes for FoxNews, The New York Sun, and Women on the Web.

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