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September 13, 2018

Title: UPDATE: Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh
Topic: Supreme Court Confirmation Process
Discussed by Carrie Gordon Earll
with Focus on the Family

If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court, left-leaning groups are sure to bring out all the stops to rally support for abortion rights during the midterm elections.

Carrie Gordon Earll offers encouragement for the months ahead and how you can help. Carrie is the Vice President of Public Policy with Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With the pending confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court, do we stand at a crossroads in America with new hope and opportunities to save more babies from the scourge of abortion?

What is the purpose of the Supreme Court?

Why are good, moral judges so important?

Has Planned Parenthood conceded? Or, are they working twice as hard?

Click here to register to vote and commit to vote in the mid-term election coming up in November.

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July 25, 2018

Title: Abortions in America
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Carrie Gordon Earll
with Focus on the Family

America is only one of seven countries to allow elective abortion of babies at five months and beyond.

Carrie Gordon Earll is the Vice President of Government and Public Policy at Focus on the Family. Today she will be discussing some new information regarding sonographies and ultrasounds.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many countries around the world allow abortion up to and including the moment of birth?

Will all abortions be immediately illegal if Roe v Wade is overturned? Short Answer: Not necessarily. Listen as Carrie explains…

HOMEWORK: We encourage you to listen to this segment with your tween/teen/millennial. It will spark great conversation on the truth about abortion. Also Google the difference between a sonogram and an ultrasound…

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April 13, 2018

Title: Can Trump Defund Planned Parenthood?
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Carrie Gordon Earll
with Focus on the Family

Planned Parenthood, which relies on government funding for a variety of services, may be on its way to getting defunded. Carrie Gordon Earll is the Vice President of Government and Public Affairs at Focus on the Family. Listen as she offers more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have some states removed tax payer dollars from the bank accounts of various abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood?

How close were we this past budget vote of defunding Planned Parenthood from being able to receive federal tax dollars?

President Trump has released his budget for fiscal year 2019. Does it include funding for any clinic or health care facility that also offers abortion services?

Henry Ford once stated: “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again – this time more intelligently.” What should we do differently in the coming months to be successful in defunding Planned Parenthood?

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February 27, 2018

Title: Can Trump Defund Planned Parenthood?
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Carrie Gordon Earll
with Focus on the Family

Planned Parenthood, which relies on government funding for a variety of services, may be on its way to getting defunded. Carrie Gordon Earll is the Vice President of Government and Public Affairs at Focus on the Family. Listen as she offers more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have some states removed tax payer dollars from the bank accounts of various abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood?

How close were we this past budget vote of defunding Planned Parenthood from being able to receive federal tax dollars?

President Trump has released his budget for fiscal year 2019. Does it include funding for any clinic or health care facility that also offers abortion services?

Henry Ford once stated: “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again – this time more intelligently.” What should we do differently in the coming months to be successful in defunding Planned Parenthood?

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November 10, 2016

Title: Is Physician Assisted Suicide “Caring”?
Topic: Physician Assisted Suicide
Discussed by Carrie Gordon Earll
with Focus on the Family

Death is inevitable for us all. It may come due to disease, injury, or age. The topics of death and suffering can spark fear, uncertainty, and a desire to control our circumstances. Physician-assisted suicide is positioned by some as a caring response to the challenge of dying. But is it?

Carrie Earll is the Vice President of Public Policy and Government and Spokesperson for Focus on the Family. Listen in as she sheds some light on this sensitive topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is physician-assisted suicide, as positioned by some, a caring response to the challenge of dying?

Should physicians, who are trained to cure, be allowed to intentionally kill their patients by means of physician-assisted suicide?

When death is cheap and life is expensive, what kind of choice is that for people?” Carrie asks. Listen in as she reveals the alarming cost difference between life-saving chemo therapy drugs and a suicide pill.

What message does this send to other patients and the culture at large?

The majority of people who desire physician-assisted suicide are not even terminally ill! They are simply depressed and have emotional distress. There is something very wrong with this…

What does the Bible say about end-of-life issues? How should Christians face death?

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March 1, 2016

Title: What Would Jesus Say About Physician Assisted Suicide?
Topic: Physician Assisted Suicide
Discussed by Carrie Gordon Earll
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Should physicians, who are trained to cure, be allowed to intentionally kill their patients by means of physician assisted suicide? Carrie Gordon Earll is the Vice President of Government and Public Policy with Focus on the Family. She has been at the center of efforts to prevent the legalization of physician assisted suicide and believes the push to expand the issue is one that must be stopped.

People have a right…recognized by the US Supreme Court, to refuse treatment. In fact, it is assault and battery for a doctor to force some kind of medical treatment [on a patient],” Carrie reveals. She does accept the fact that there are interventions which are appropriate and some that may not be. However, if a medical intervention is not going to make a difference in the long-run, that’s when families must make the life-or-death decision – not the physician. “Death is a certainty for everybody, but exactly what that looks like is a certainty for no one,” Carrie says.

FACT: Physician assisted suicide is legal in California, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Vermont.

Listen in as Carrie Earll discusses the states where physician assisted suicide is already legal and how it affects people with disabilities and terminal illnesses. She continues with this topic in the next segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What Would Jesus Say About Physician Assisted Suicide?
Topic: Physician Assisted Suicide
Discussed by Carrie Gordon Earll
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

What is the difference between allowing a patient to die naturally by removing technological support compared to a physician deciding if a patient is no longer worthy of saving? “Physician assisted suicide does not let nature take its course. It allows the physician to write a prescription for an overdose of lethal barbiturates for the patient to take,” Carrie Earll explains.

In Oregon, many of the physician assisted suicide patients are elderly single women; they don’t necessarily want to die, but they also do not wish to be a burden to their families in their old age. Fewer and fewer patients are those we would consider a “classic case” – someone with terminal cancer or another debilitating disease. For many, it is a question of cost, not quality of life. “We can’t make cost determination decisions like this with people’s lives. We just can’t,” Carrie pleads. “It puts people, especially the elderly, in a very vulnerable position.”

How should Christians respond to the issue of physician assisted suicide? Carrie Earll encourages everyone, no matter your age, to be very cognizant about any legislation concerning physician assisted suicide – on both the state and national levels. “Where [physician assisted suicide] has been practiced in Europe, it has easily and quickly expanded to euthanasia,” Carrie warns. There are cases in Europe where people have been euthanized who were not terminally ill or elderly; they were simply depressed. It’s so very, very sad.

The word “euthanasia” is not found in the Bible. However, Carrie believes this: “The value of life is in opposition to the enemy’s assignment to steal, kill, and destroy. As Christians, as people of faith, and citizens to this great country, it is our responsibility to defend the weak, the defenseless, and the medically vulnerable.” For help or advice, please visit the Focus on the Family website or call 1.800.A.FAMILY (1.800.232.6459).

Host Note: We would love to hear your thoughts about this issue. Click here to send a comment.

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June 30, 2015

Title: What is Next for Christians?
Topic: Same-Sex Marriage and the Church
Discussed by Carrie Gordon Earll
with Focus on the Family

By now, I’m sure that most of you have seen some lively debates on social media over the SCOTUS decision in favor of homosexual marriage in all 50 states. Many of you may have even been in the middle of some of those fiery discussions! While there is absolutely nothing wrong with friendly disputes, we must remember that, as Christians, what we say should be out of love and not hate.

Carrie Earll, with Focus on the Family,  is here to help you better understand ruling and how we can engage in friendly conversation with others concerning our personal beliefs. She agrees that we must be cautious in what we say and how we say it. “Check your motive. Check your tone. Check your message,” Carrie says. Be prepared with good questions, but also have good answers, too!

As for religious liberty, Carrie Earll says, “The courts have now created a right of ‘sexual liberty’.” It will not end with florists and bakers and photographers; churches will be next. Listen in as Carrie explains how churches that rent out their facilities to outside organizations may be forced to accommodate LGBT groups – and even weddings.

This ruling goes far beyond businesses and churches, though. Public schools, Christian counselors, and non-profit organizations – even radio and television personalities – will all be affected, too. “This is not about redefining marriage. This is not even about two people. This is about all of society,” Carrie Earll says.

Joshua 24:15 NKJV “And if it seems evil for you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you will dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

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January 17, 2005

Title: Parental Consent vs. Parental Notification
Topic: Parental Consent vs. Parental Notification
Discussed by Carrie Gordon Earll
with Focus on the Family

Texas has a "loose" parental notification law. What is the difference between notification and consent and should pro-lifers work to change Texas law?

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