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June 30, 2015

Title: What is Next for Christians?
Topic: Same-Sex Marriage and the Church
Discussed by Carrie Gordon Earll
with Focus on the Family

By now, I’m sure that most of you have seen some lively debates on social media over the SCOTUS decision in favor of homosexual marriage in all 50 states. Many of you may have even been in the middle of some of those fiery discussions! While there is absolutely nothing wrong with friendly disputes, we must remember that, as Christians, what we say should be out of love and not hate.

Carrie Earll, with Focus on the Family,  is here to help you better understand ruling and how we can engage in friendly conversation with others concerning our personal beliefs. She agrees that we must be cautious in what we say and how we say it. “Check your motive. Check your tone. Check your message,” Carrie says. Be prepared with good questions, but also have good answers, too!

As for religious liberty, Carrie Earll says, “The courts have now created a right of ‘sexual liberty’.” It will not end with florists and bakers and photographers; churches will be next. Listen in as Carrie explains how churches that rent out their facilities to outside organizations may be forced to accommodate LGBT groups – and even weddings.

This ruling goes far beyond businesses and churches, though. Public schools, Christian counselors, and non-profit organizations – even radio and television personalities – will all be affected, too. “This is not about redefining marriage. This is not even about two people. This is about all of society,” Carrie Earll says.

Joshua 24:15 NKJV “And if it seems evil for you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you will dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

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March 24, 2015

Title: Faith, Family, and Freedom
Topic: Same-Sex Marriage and the Church
Discussed by Jonathan Saenz
with Texas Values (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Texas – where we stand for faith in God, family, and freedom to worship and to practice our religious faith at church, at home, and in the market place. Jonathon Saenz, President of Texas Values, discusses HB3567, filed by Representative Scott Sanford (R-McKinney). HB3567 protects the religious freedom rights of pastors, clergy, and churches in Texas relating to marriage. HB3567 makes also ensures that the government cannot use civil or criminal action as a means of punishment on this issue.

There is a lot of alarm across the state of Texas and the nation concerning same-sex marriage. We’ve seen the government force business owners to provide their service to same-sex couples against their religious beliefs. We’ve seen the Mayor of Houston threaten to subpoena pastors’ sermons concerning the issue. Many wonder what the government will do next.

The strength of the family is the core of our religious freedom. It is very important for churches, pastors, and members to pay attention to the legislature and what bills are introduced concerning religious freedom, specifically concerning same-sex marriage. Jonathon Saenz says, “Some bills can be used as weapons against religious freedom.” He believes it is vital to stay informed and stay involved.

To find more about your rights as a Christian business owner or leader of a church, click [here].

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November 7, 2013

Title: Does the Methodist Church Really Accept Same-Sex Marriage?
Topic: Same-Sex Marriage and the Church
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Many Methodist churches have overwhelming affirmed their support for same-sex marriage. Today, Terry discusses with Mark Tooley a marquee outside a Methodist Church which read “Jesus Had 2 Dads, and He Turned out Just Fine”. What was the purpose of this sign?

Whether you’re Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, Non-Denomination, or whatever you identify with, the LGBTQ is after your church. Listen in for more shocking news.

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