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August 2, 2011

Title: Sex Ed Of A new Order
Topic: Sexual Morality
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Part 1

California mandates the teaching of the sexual orientation of figures discussed in history and civic classes.

Test results reveal children across America do NOT know U.S. history now. Is it insanity to teach little kids in school the sexual orientation and ‘sexual practices’ of historical figures?

Many in America believe that the number of homosexuals in America approaches 25% of the population. Young people believe the figure to be 33%. Reality shows less than 1.5% are gay. Dr. Brown has written "A Queer Thing Happened to America". Order a copy from his website.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Sexual Morality
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

In California, it is no longer sufficient for students to know who invented the light bulb or whose administration oversaw the Louisiana Purchase, but rather, the students need to know what form of homosexual sex was the preference of those politicians and inventors.

Students may not know much about history but if the gays have their way nationwide, grade school kids, as well as middle and high school students, will know if the politician or inventor was Bisexual, gay, transsexual, and what cavities these ‘enlightened’ historical figures preferred to place their organs.

This is pure insanity. This is child abuse. This is sexual immorality. Enough of this madness. You would not allow some pervert to discuss this with your child on the playground, so why allow some progressive to teach this to your child in a classroom.

Dr. Brown has written "A Queer Thing Happened to America". Order a copy from his website.

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