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December 10, 2014

Title: Who is Killing Black Americans?
Topic: Black on Black Violence
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Part 1 of 2

There are stark differences between the make-up of a black family today as compared to the 1960’s. In painful ways, the black family has deteriorated. Before Martin Luther King’s famous speech, the illegitimacy and incarceration rate of blacks was one-third less than it is today!

Many believe that white-on-black crime (aka the killing of a black person at the hand of a white person) is out of control, when in fact it is black-on-black crime that is the real threat. Not only through abortion, but through murder and homicide. Listen in as Dr. Brown explains these statistics.

Dr. Michael Brown discusses the lack of respect for authority and cameras on police uniforms. Does he believe cameras will help or hinder?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Who is Killing Black Americans?
Topic: Black on Black Violence
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

At the end of the first segment, Terry started a story about a family member who is a police officer. This family member had received several complaints of racism toward him during a short period of time from civilians he had arrested. He concludes the story in this segment. Listen in!

Back to Dr. Michael Brown… He continues his discussion about what is killing black Americans. If we don’t have a complete reversal, the break-up of the black family will never recover. Generation after generation has fallen into the trap of government assistance. We must get them out of the house, real education, and real jobs.

Dr. Brown says that many blacks are actually afraid to be successful because other blacks accuse them of not being black enough! How hypocritical! How racist! It is past time for ALL leadership to band together to drown out the negativity and finally find peace and comradery.

Dr. Brown says we can all help someone. Become a big brother or big sister – even if you’re parent with your own children! Yes! You can still make a difference! It’s about honoring, respecting, and loving each other.

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