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July 27, 2022

Title: Congress Passes the “Respect for Marriage Act”
Topic: Leftist Ideals Are Simply Wrong
Discussed by David Closson
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

In 1996, Congress passed the “Defense of Marriage Act”, which confirmed marriage as between one man and one woman. The vote received overwhelming bipartisan support (342-67 in the House, 85-14 in the Senate) – including then-Senator Joe Biden’s signature.

David Closson is the Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview at the Family Research Council and a writer for The Washington Stand. Today, David discusses the passage of the “Respect for Marriage Act” and the rapid decay of America’s moral integrity.

Click here to read David Closson’s op-ed on this subject.

Click here for more from David Closson and The Washington Stand.

Click here to read more about the “Respect for Marriage ActHR8404.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the “Respect for Marriage Act” respectful of traditional marriage? David explains why it is NOT respectful and urges everyone to contact their US Senators to voice their opinion on this issue. Washington DC Switchboard: 202.224.3123

Why did so many Republicans join with the Democrats on this vote when the Republican Platform is so steadfast in supporting traditional marriage?

Do Republican voters still care about the marriage issue?

Is the bill’s passage symbolic of the astonishing speed at which the moral revolution continues across our land?

Have we seen an explosion of LGBTQ indoctrination in our schools and across all media platforms over the past decade?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Congress Passes the “Respect for Marriage Act”
Topic: Leftist Ideals Are Simply Wrong
Discussed by David Closson
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the recent vote signal that the debate on same-sex marriage is politically over? David says: “At the end of the day, the political winds have shifted. But the things that really matter have not changed.”

Has Ted Cruz voiced his opinion about the “Respect for Marriage Act”? Will Republicans have enough votes in the US Senate to strike down this bill?

No matter what Congress allows, is same-sex marriage an abomination in God’s eyes?

Will the acceptance of bestiality and pedophilia be next? David reveals that Somerville, Massachusetts legalized polyamory in 2021. That is a relationship between more than two people! It is only a matter of time before other ungodly abominations are legalized.

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June 21, 2022

Title: Biden Admin Says Mother and Father are Offensive
Topic: Leftist Ideals Are Simply Wrong
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Hello, Mother. Hello, Father.” Why and how is this now offensive to the Left?

Austin Ruse is the Editor/Publisher of the Friday Fax and President of the Center for Family and Human Rights. He recently stated: “I have had enough. I am done with just reporting. I am through with simply reacting. I am going to take action. I am going on the offense.”

Click here for more information on this issue from C-Fam.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Biden Administration recently announced through the US Agency for International Development that the terms “mother” and “father” are offensive. Why did this announcement push Austin Ruse over the edge?

Will the threat of losing US taxpayer dollars/grants/funds from the US Agency for International Development force US charities around the world to accept the new terms for mother and father?

What is the Global Respect Act (HR3485)? Austin explains that, if passed, it will punish religious and political leaders – and even parents – who oppose the LGBTQ agenda, especially transgenderism. And it’s just not Americans who will be punished; this will be a worldwide issue.

How long has the Center for Family & Human Rights been standing up against the evil so pervasive within UN activities?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Biden Admin Says Mother and Father are Offensive
Topic: Leftist Ideals Are Simply Wrong
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Austin believe it’s time to reach out to media outlets around the world about this and other issues? Austin talks about the message they have been spreading and what the future hopefully holds for them at C-Fam.

Click here to join the fight with The Center for Family and Human Dignity.

Click here to sign up for the Friday Fax.

How long has the Center for Family & Human Rights been standing up against the evil so pervasive within UN activities?

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February 9, 2022

Title: Biden Admin Says Mother and Father are Offensive
Topic: Leftist Ideals Are Simply Wrong
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Hello, Mother. Hello, Father.” Why and how is this now offensive to the Left?

Austin Ruse is the Editor/Publisher of the Friday Fax and President of the Center for Family and Human Rights. He recently stated: “I have had enough. I am done with just reporting. I am through with simply reacting. I am going to take action. I am going on the offense.”

Click here for more information on this issue from C-Fam.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Biden Administration recently announced through the US Agency for International Development that the terms “mother” and “father” are offensive. Why did this announcement push Austin Ruse over the edge?

Will the threat of losing US taxpayer dollars/grants/funds from the US Agency for International Development force US charities around the world to accept the new terms for mother and father?

What is the Global Respect Act (HR3485)? Austin explains that, if passed, it will punish religious and political leaders – and even parents – who oppose the LGBTQ agenda, especially transgenderism. And it’s just not Americans who will be punished; this will be a worldwide issue.

How long has the Center for Family & Human Rights been standing up against the evil so pervasive within UN activities?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Biden Admin Says Mother and Father are Offensive
Topic: Leftist Ideals Are Simply Wrong
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Austin believe it’s time to reach out to media outlets around the world about this and other issues? Austin talks about the message they have been spreading and what the future hopefully holds for them at C-Fam.

Click here to join the fight with The Center for Family and Human Dignity.

Click here to sign up for the Friday Fax.

How long has the Center for Family & Human Rights been standing up against the evil so pervasive within UN activities?

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September 17, 2014

Title: Personal Responsibility Outrages the Left
Topic: Leftist Ideals Are Simply Wrong
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Part 1 of 2

DISCLAIMER: Issues discussed during this segment might be inappropriate for young children. Please use caution when listening to this segment in the presence of children.

Cori ten Boom once said, “Just because the mouse is in the cookie jar, that doesn’t make him a cookie!

Robert Knight says Federal Judges are ignoring common sense when it comes to making decisions about gay marriage. He points out that they are “basically saying that marriage was created to annoy homosexuals”. The MSM has spread the lies and now the Judges have bought into them.

Anyone who speaks out against the gay movement is called a bigot, racist, homophobic Nazi – or worse. One of the Judges now speaking out against traditional marriage is Circuit Judge Richard Posner, who has characterized laws that recognize natural marriage as products of "hate" and "savage" discrimination. Robert Knight says this is just crazy – even insane! They are so disillusioned that they will say just about anything now to be “politically correct”.

Now, what about this Historian Carol Anderson? If you haven’t heard, she is claiming the riots in Ferguson were in retaliation of “white rage against black progress”. That is one of the most absurd things I have ever heard, and I’ve heard some whoppers!

Carol Anderson also claims that voter ID laws are racist because 25% of black people don’t have a government issued ID. Where does she get her data??? I am just so confused by this I don’t even know what to say…There hasn’t been progress in the black community in decades because of government handouts, high abortion rates, fatherless children, and the outright lack of a can-do attitude. --- I’m not sure this ok to say or not.

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