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April 29, 2015

Title: Can Elena Kagan be a Fair Judge?
Topic: Supreme Court Justices
Discussed by Brian Camenker
with Mass Resistance (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Several decades ago, a Supreme Court nominee, Robert Bork, was deemed unfit for the High Court strictly because of his Conservative views. The left lied about him. They ruined him. So, why don’t Conservative turn the tables on the Justices today? Brian Camenker, President of Mass Resistance, believes, “Our side just wants to be nice…They will even give up their rights in order to be nice.

Brian discusses the controversy surrounding Justice Elena Kagan. At the time of her nomination, Brian and others protested profusely because of her views on homosexuality. “There’s no way she should have ever been voted in.” She legitimized massive amounts of homosexual activities while at Harvard Law School and brought in many homosexuals and transgender professors.

Legalizing gay marriage is just the first step. Lowering the age of consent is next. Then they will want to do away with the number of people who can enter into a marriage. It’s coming, folks! It’s coming sooner than you think. And they’re after your kids first.

You can read the full report on this topic [here].

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