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June 6, 2017

Title: Are We ALL First Responders?
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Dr. Jane Orient
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

Part 1 of 2

Violence surrounds us every day. Terrorism is a real threat. We never know when disaster will strike. Are there enough First Responders to take care of us all? Or must we, average citizens, begin to help, too?

Dr. Jane Orient is the Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Listen as she discusses her recent article  on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a “blow-out kit”?

Dr. Orient is also the Director for Doctors for Disaster Preparedness.  What is this group?

If you could not travel to your children, spouse, or other family members during or after a terror attack of natural disaster, what would you do? Do you have a plan in place?

Must we all learn CPR and be prepared to administer CPR at any given moment?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are We ALL First Responders?
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Dr. Jane Orient
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Jihadists have such a strong faith that they are willing to embrace death?

Do too many judges, elected officials, and un-elected bureaucrats have no faith in any god?

What must we all do?

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November 2, 2012

Title: Tips For Dealing With Your Insurance Company In The Wake Of A Natural Disaster!
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Alex Winslow
with Texas Watch (

Part 1 of 2

Texas watch is a non-partisan citizen advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that corporations and insurance companies are accountable to their customers. What advice would you give to people on the East Coast as they assess the damage from Hurricane Sandy?

Signing too quickly is one of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make after a natural disaster such as a flood, fire, hurricane, or tornado. Insurance agents will tell the homeowner "you only have so many days to take this offer then it goes down" or they will use "tricky" language that is confusing. How can people, specifically our listeners in Pennsylvania and other cities on the East Coast, avoid being taken advantage of?

Many times an insurance agent will try and tell a homeowner that the damage isn't covered under their policy. Should homeowners make the insurance prove that the damage isn't covered? Also, is water damage during a hurricane considered "flood damage" or "hurricane damage"?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Alex Winslow
with Texas Watch (

Texas watch is a non-partisan citizen advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that corporations and insurance companies are accountable to their customers. What advice would you give to people on the East Coast as they assess the damage from Hurricane Sandy?

Signing too quickly is one of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make after a natural disaster such as a flood, fire, hurricane, or tornado. Insurance agents will tell the homeowner "you only have so many days to take this offer then it goes down" or they will use "tricky" language that is confusing. How can people, specifically our listeners in Pennsylvania and other cities on the East Coast, avoid being taken advantage of?

Many times an insurance agent will try and tell a homeowner that the damage isn't covered under their policy. Should homeowners make the insurance prove that the damage isn't covered? Also, is water damage during a hurricane considered "flood damage" or "hurricane damage"?

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June 25, 2012

Title: Ed Emmett discusses: “Be Prepared!”
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Harris County Judge Ed Emmett
with Elected Officials

Part 1 of 3

By statute, each County Judge is the Director of Homeland Security for their county. This, in turn, allows the County Judge to make important decisions on evacuation routes, emergency services, and communication reports. Ed Emmett is the County Judge in Harris County, Texas. Listen in as he explains how critical it is to stay informed before, during, and after a disaster. Judge Emmett recommends having enough food and water for up to 7 days for each member of your family. Are you ready?

Check out  for more tips and information on disaster preparedness.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Harris County Judge Ed Emmett
with Elected Officials

During the summer months, there are many older teenage siblings watching younger brothers and sisters or even babysitting for their neighbors. Would they be prepared to become a temporary care-giver in case of a disaster? Having a disaster plan is a must for every household, whether you have children or not. Make sure your children have been informed of the possible scenarios and the plan of action should something arise.

Check out  for more tips and information on disaster preparedness.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Harris County Judge Ed Emmett
with Elected Officials

Don’t forget your pets! If you have pets, make sure you have enough food and water for them for up to 7 days, just as you would for everyone else in your family.

If you live near a senior citizen, talk to them about a plan of action in case of a disaster. Many seniors are on a fixed income and cannot afford to have extra food, water, and supplies stockpiled in case of a disaster. Contact their relatives to see if someone lives nearby or even offer to let them stay with your family.

Check out  for more tips and information on disaster preparedness.

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May 31, 2012

Title: Disaster Preparedness: If a Disaster Strikes and You Can NOT Get Home, Where Will You Meet Up With the Rest of Your Family?
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Toni Carpenter
with Domestic Commando (

Part 1 of 2

What if:

     Fire Strikes
     A Tornado Strikes
     An Earthquake
     A Blizzard
     Gas leaks
     Chemical Spills
     Acts of Terror

Someone once said: “I never thought this could happen to me!” But it happens to somebody almost every day. Are you prepared?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Toni Carpenter
with Domestic Commando (

What if:
Fire Strikes
A Tornado Strikes
An Earthquake
A Blizzard
Gas leaks
Chemical Spills
Acts of Terror

Someone once said: “I never thought this could happen to me!” But it happens to somebody almost every day. Are you prepared?

She is a veteran of “first-born” and “second-born” and a Ph.D. in No Nonsense! What if a fire, tornado, or flood happened while you are at work, and you cannot get home and your family at home must evacuate. What if the cell towers go out and cell phones cannot be used? How do you find your family? How do they find you? You need a plan. Find it in

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May 28, 2012

Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Kenneth Davis
with Don't Know Much (

Which president got stuck in the bathtub? Using your books, how can families bring history alive for their kids?

Tell us about the variety of different books you have written. Do you have any designated specifically for the history of the United States?

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September 28, 2011

Title: If a Disaster Strikes and You Can NOT Get Home, Where Will You Meet Up With the Rest of Your Family?
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Toni Carpenter
with Domestic Commando (

Part 2 of a 2 Day Series

What if:
Fire Strikes
A Tornado Strikes
An Earthquake
A Blizzard
Gas leaks
Chemical Spills
Acts of Terror

Someone once said: “I never thought this could happen to me!” But it happens to somebody almost every day. Are you prepared?

She is a veteran of “first-born” and “second-born” and a Ph.D. in No Nonsense! What if a fire, tornado, or flood happened while you are at work, and you cannot get home and your family at home must evacuate. What if the cell towers go out and cell phones cannot be used? How do you find your family? How do they find you? You need a plan. Find it in

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September 27, 2011

Title: Disaster Preparedness: If a Disaster Strikes and You Can NOT Get Home, Where Will You Meet Up With the Rest of Your Family?
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Toni Carpenter
with Domestic Commando (

Part 1 of 2

What if:

     Fire Strikes
     A Tornado Strikes
     An Earthquake
     A Blizzard
     Gas leaks
     Chemical Spills
     Acts of Terror

Someone once said: “I never thought this could happen to me!” But it happens to somebody almost every day. Are you prepared?

Tomorrow at this time we will continue with Toni Carpenter and ways to be prepared.

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August 1, 2011

Title: Disasters Happen: Are You Prepared?
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

Part 1 of 3

If a disaster, natural or man-made, prohibited you from returning to your home, where would you meet-up with family members? Do you have a plan in the event of a flood, tornado or other disaster?

Major Heuszel discusses action items that you need to take today. These include having food, water and other supplies for up to seven days. Review your plans with your family, especially your children. We live in an area ripe for hurricanes and other natural disasters.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

What is meant by “Shelter-in-Place”? Can you be forced to stay put? Major Heuszel discusses the “Shelter-in-Place” order. It is for the protection of the citizens within a confined area.

Major Heuszel further explains that if someone wants to leave the area, an officer cannot make someone stay indoors. Likewise, if an evacuation order is given, an officer cannot force someone to leave.

Do you have an emergency plan? Are you prepared for a disaster? For our listeners in Houston, a good website is

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

What might happen if a terrorist detonates a low-yield nuclear bomb in your downtown area? Major Heuszel discusses planning sessions he has attended where that question has been discussed.

In the case of a biological or nuclear attack by a terrorist, cars and individuals could be contaminated. Would you want them driving down your street contaminating you and your family? If a perimeter is established around a contaminated zone, can a “shoot-to-kill” order be given to keep individuals from leaving the zone?

Who gives the “shoot-to-kill” order?

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March 25, 2011

Title: Be Prepared! It’s More Than a Motto
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Rick Wertz
with Faithful Fathering Initiative in Texas (

If a disaster struck, and you could not get home or to your child’s school, where would you meet-up? Do you have plans in place in case of a natural disaster? Have you practiced evacuation plans in the event of a fire in your home or office? Have you taught your young children and / or grandchildren how to call “9.1.1.”? No matter what, have you discussed Kingdom preparation as a family? You have our permission to forward this segment [and all segments] to family and friends. More information can be found at

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March 24, 2011

Title: Be Prepared! It’s More Than a Motto
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Rick Wertz
with Faithful Fathering Initiative in Texas (

If a disaster struck, and you could not get home or to your child’s school, where would you meet-up? Do you have plans in place in case of a natural disaster? Have you practiced evacuation plans in the event of a fire in your home or office? Have you taught your young children and / or grandchildren how to call “9.1.1.”? No matter what, have you discussed Kingdom preparation as a family? You have our permission to forward this segment [and all segments] to family and friends. More information can be found at f a disaster struck, and you could not get home or to your child’s school, where would you meet-up? Do you have plans in place in case of a natural disaster? Have you practiced evacuation plans in the event of a fire in your home or office? Have you taught your young children and / or grandchildren how to call “9.1.1.”? No matter what, have you discussed Kingdom preparation as a family? You have our permission to forward this segment [and all segments] to family and friends. More information can be found at

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June 17, 2009

Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Lisa Rabito
with Home Instead Senior Care (

Lisa Rabito, New Orleans franchise owner of Home Instead Senior Care, has the T-shirt: “Been there. Done that. Don’t wanna do that again.” Log on to for more information.

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Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Lisa Rabito
with Home Instead Senior Care (

Home instead Senior Care provides care for senior adults who do not want to live in a nursing home. When Hurricane Katrina hit, her business was flooded. She was not prepared for the devastation. Many people came to her in aid in her time of need. Now, she is paying it forward. Listen in as Lisa gives tips on Disaster Preparedness.

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Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Lisa Rabito
with Home Instead Senior Care (

The government says that families should have non-perishable food and water for each family member for 3 days in case of a disaster. Is this enough? Remember Ike? Many communities were without electricity and water services for weeks.

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Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Lisa Rabito
with Home Instead Senior Care (

Does your family have money saved in case you do need to evacuate? It may be early in the Hurricane Season, but you never know when disaster is going to strike.

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