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December 15, 2011

Title: ALERT: Auto Burglars target shoppers and Travelers during the Holiday Season!
Topic: Holiday Season
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

Part 1 of 2

Is it true that thieves committed 263,479 acts of vehicle burglary and stole 68,219 vehicles in Texas during 2010?

For someone that is going shopping, what is the first thing they should do before they park? For women, what should they do with their purchases once inside the store? Would it be okay to put it in the cart with groceries on top?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Holiday Season
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

Should people shop with a partner or with a group?

Should you get out of your car, for example, if you are at a stop sign in a dark place, and someone drives up behind and taps the rear bumper and they get out?

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August 23, 2011

Title: Are there really 900,000 criminal members in 20,000 gangs in 2,500 cities across America?
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

Major Heuszel answers:
1. How many gangs are in Harris County, Texas?
2. Are there areas in Harris County that law enforcement officers will not go?
3. Is the MS-13 Gang active in Harris County?

Major Heuszel describes how the gangs now recruit young teenagers to carry their drugs and to sell their drugs. Why? Listen for the answers….

Major Heuszel advises parents: 1. Know where your kids are. 2. Know who their friends are. 3. Know what they are doing – at all times!

Send us your comments.

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August 1, 2011

Title: Disasters Happen: Are You Prepared?
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

Part 1 of 3

If a disaster, natural or man-made, prohibited you from returning to your home, where would you meet-up with family members? Do you have a plan in the event of a flood, tornado or other disaster?

Major Heuszel discusses action items that you need to take today. These include having food, water and other supplies for up to seven days. Review your plans with your family, especially your children. We live in an area ripe for hurricanes and other natural disasters.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

What is meant by “Shelter-in-Place”? Can you be forced to stay put? Major Heuszel discusses the “Shelter-in-Place” order. It is for the protection of the citizens within a confined area.

Major Heuszel further explains that if someone wants to leave the area, an officer cannot make someone stay indoors. Likewise, if an evacuation order is given, an officer cannot force someone to leave.

Do you have an emergency plan? Are you prepared for a disaster? For our listeners in Houston, a good website is

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Disaster Preparedness
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

What might happen if a terrorist detonates a low-yield nuclear bomb in your downtown area? Major Heuszel discusses planning sessions he has attended where that question has been discussed.

In the case of a biological or nuclear attack by a terrorist, cars and individuals could be contaminated. Would you want them driving down your street contaminating you and your family? If a perimeter is established around a contaminated zone, can a “shoot-to-kill” order be given to keep individuals from leaving the zone?

Who gives the “shoot-to-kill” order?

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