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May 16, 2014

Title: Small Business Success
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Alex Hinojosa
with EMSI Public Relations (

Part 1 of 3

Due to the stagnant Obama economy, many people are opting to start their own business. Maybe you are one of those people. Or maybe you are an employee at a small business.

Alex Hinojosa, with EMSI Public Relations, suggests that, in order for your small business to succeed, you must first target your consumers and go where they go. No small business owner is Superman or Wonder Woman. You can’t do it all, so don’t even try.

Listen in as Alex gives practical advice.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Small Business Success
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Alex Hinojosa
with EMSI Public Relations (

What if you work for a small business? Sometimes it’s harder to work for a small company than a larger one. You might be in tight quarters all day. You may work for a family member or close friend.

How do you keep calm in tough situations? You – and the boss – must be willing to brain-storm together and make a plan of action together. Be a “solutions person”.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Small Business Success
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Alex Hinojosa
with EMSI Public Relations (

Alex also suggests that you don’t set too many goals right from the beginning. Start small and slowly build from there. If you get overwhelmed, it will consume you. You cannot be everything to everyone.

Likewise, as an employee at a small business, try your best to help the company run smoothly. If you help them succeed, you will succeed.

Log on to  to learn more about how EMSI can help you and your small business.

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August 23, 2013

Title: Small Business Left Behind
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Ashley Fingarson
with National Federation of Independent Business (

When examining the current U.S. tax code, two things are clear: it is unnecessarily complex and it is unfair.

Congress is considering comprehensive tax reform. In other words, they are preparing to reward their friends and punish their enemies.

Small Businesses are about to be ‘left behind’, holding larger tax bills, while big businesses reap tax cuts. Let your voice and concerns be heard. If you own a small business, join the NFIB.

Listen in.

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February 1, 2013

Title: Top Concern of Small Businesses is the Government!
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

Small businesses tell Obama: “You’re the problem!” Over regulation, new regulations, re-writing old regulations are all part of the problem and small businesses are blaming Obama.

Bob Beauprez discusses a recent poll of small business owners from the Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index. Some of the issues discussed were healthcare, taxes, price of energy, and federal spending cuts.

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January 1, 2013

Title: Small Business Owners are not Very Optimistic
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Cynthia Magnuson
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Small business owners made their voice heard during the 2012 election. But was it loud enough to reach DC?

NFIB representative Cynthia Magnusen believes that small business owners are on the right track, but there is still much that needs to be done. What can small business owners do to avoid another fall-out over the next four years?

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December 13, 2012

Title: Small Business Owners Are Not Very Optimistic
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Cynthia Magnuson
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Small business owners made their voice heard during the 2012 election. But was it loud enough to reach DC?

NFIB representative Cynthia Magnusen believes that small business owners are on the right track, but there is still much that needs to be done. What can small business owners do to avoid another fall-out over the next four years?

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June 19, 2012

Title: SMALL BUSINESS: Lessons of the Recession
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Patricia Green
with Center for Women's Business Research (

Part 1 of 3

Special guest Patricia Greene answers:

Why has the current recession been so rough on women?

Should women business owners focus more on controlling costs or increasing sales?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Patricia Green
with Center for Women's Business Research (

In regards to controlling costs what are some new, innovative ways for women to increase profit while minimizing their cost?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Patricia Green
with Center for Women's Business Research (

In regards to controlling costs what are some new, innovative ways for women to increase profit while minimizing their cost?

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December 8, 2011

Title: Are You Experiencing The Tiny Tim or Mr. Scrooge Effect? Shedding The Light On Businesses and Their Leaders.
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Doug and Polly White
with Doug and Polly White (

Part 1 of 2

With all the experience under your belt, did you ever work for a Scrooge in business?

Have you found the same in your business career the importance of acts of kindness and generosity from an employer to an employee?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Doug and Polly White
with Doug and Polly White (

Pertaining to your great book that helps small and midsize business owners to plan for growth, “Let Go To Grow”, why let go, and how do we grow?

What is the proper infrastructure? What are “good metrics”?

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November 11, 2011

Title: Do the small business in America still have a heartbeat?
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Dan Danner
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Part 1 of 2

What is the pulse of small business in America? Are they in the mood; are they able to employ more Americans?

How many small business owners do you represent across America? Do you poll your business owners on a monthly or quarterly basis asking them if they plan to hire or lay off, expand or close?

Is it the small business that employs over half (if not more) of the new workers in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Dan Danner
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Did you prove with your surveys that regulations do matter and that regulations do cause small businesses to contract/go out of business/to NOT move forward by hiring more people?

Has ObamaCare and the threat of national health care frightened the small business owners across the country?

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October 23, 2008

Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Will Newton
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Will Newton, the Executive Director for Texas with NFIB, discusses key issues that directly affect small businesses in Texas. For more information, log onto

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