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July 2, 2012

Title: National Healthcare Teleconference
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dan Danner
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Who was shocked on Thursday when SCOTUS announced their decision concerning Obamacare? If you were left with your mouth agape, holding your head in your hands, then you weren't alone.

NFIB President, Dan Danner, and NFIB Legal Expert Karen Harned hosted a national healthcare teleconference immediately following the announcement. Reporters from across the country asked them questions. Listen to the unedited conference here.

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November 11, 2011

Title: Do the small business in America still have a heartbeat?
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Dan Danner
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Part 1 of 2

What is the pulse of small business in America? Are they in the mood; are they able to employ more Americans?

How many small business owners do you represent across America? Do you poll your business owners on a monthly or quarterly basis asking them if they plan to hire or lay off, expand or close?

Is it the small business that employs over half (if not more) of the new workers in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Small Business Issues
Discussed by Dan Danner
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Did you prove with your surveys that regulations do matter and that regulations do cause small businesses to contract/go out of business/to NOT move forward by hiring more people?

Has ObamaCare and the threat of national health care frightened the small business owners across the country?

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