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February 12, 2013

Title: The Economy is Worse Than You Think
Topic: The Economy
Discussed by Alan Caruba
with Accuracy in Media (

The “media” says the economy is getting better! They blame Bush for the 2008 financial crisis and say now that he’s been gone for 4 years, everything is getting better. But, is it really? Under Obama, the cost of living has increased 20 percent while the median household income has decreased 9 percent.

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April 14, 2010

Topic: Media Bias
Discussed by Roger Aronoff
with Accuracy in Media (

Four-time Presidential candidate, Ralph Nader, angrily denounced Bush and Cheney as war criminals, criticized Obama, called the US an empire, bashed Israel, and even burned an American flag! And of course, the liberal media is not reporting all the “facts”. To see and hear the TRUTH, log on to

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December 5, 2008

Topic: Localism
Discussed by Wes Vernon
with Accuracy in Media (

Obama is determined to silence Republicans by attacking Conservative talk radio. Guest Wes Vernon is a veteran broadcast journalist. Log onto for more.

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August 25, 2008

Title: Obama’s Global Tax Proposal
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Jonathon Moseley
with Accuracy in Media (

Writing for Accuracy in Media –, freelance reporter Jonathon Moseley further exposes Obama’s Global Tax Proposal.

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August 22, 2008

Title: Obama’s Global Tax Proposal
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Jonathon Moseley
with Accuracy in Media (

Writing for Accuracy in Media –, freelance reporter Jonathon Moseley further exposes Obama’s Global Tax Proposal.

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August 7, 2008

Title: Is Pastor Hagee John McCain’s Reverend Wright? Part 1 of 2
Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Bethany Stotts
with Accuracy in Media (

Is Pastor Hagee John McCain’s Reverend Wright? Part 1 of 2

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Title: Is Pastor Hagee John McCain’s Reverend Wright? Part 2 of 2
Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Bethany Stotts
with Accuracy in Media (

Is Pastor Hagee John McCain’s Reverend Wright? Part 2 of 2

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April 29, 2005

Title: Video News Releases are like Print Press Releases
Topic: Media Bias
Discussed by Sherri Gossett
with Accuracy in Media (

Video News Releases are like Print Press Releases. The VNR's were perfected by the Fake News Master: Bill Clinton. Sherri Gossett, with AIM, helps us understand how many TV news stories are put together by the method of "cut and paste" from "video press releases". The left-leaning media is again showing its bias by pounding Pres. Bush for using VNR's while not mentioning the father and perfector of VNR's: Bill Clinton.

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January 24, 2005

Title: Presidential Inauguration security data given to a group linked to terrorists
Topic: War on Terror
Discussed by Sherri Gossett
with Accuracy in Media (

Former Attorney Ramsey Clark assisted in suing our government, forcing our government to release police information about security for the 2001 Presidential Inauguration including all video tapes, and even names and identities of undercover agents. Training manuals, crowd control procedures... everything was ordered by a Federal Judge!

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