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January 16, 2024

Title: A Biblical Response to Cancel Culture
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Eric Lyons
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 2

1 Peter 2:12 “Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.”

Eric Lyons is the Executive Director of Apologetics Press. Today, Eric discusses why and how Christians should respond in a Biblical way to Cancel Culture.

Click here to read Eric Lyons’ op-ed on this very important subject.

Click here to read more on America’s Culture War from Apologetics Press.

Click here for the many videos from Apologetics Press on different topics.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Christians often tempted to respond to the Cancel Culture with the impatience of an angry child or the retaliation of a driver with road rage?

Are Christians often treated with ridicule and censorship? Are they often out-right dismissed? Eric believes that even non-Christians who hold to traditional values are being mocked and “canceled”. (Example: JK Rowlings’ outspoken stance against transgenderism.)

What is so wrong about “Cancel Culture”?

Are Christians held to a different standard of decorum? Eric explains that Christians are absolutely held to a different standard by Jesus Christ. As far as society, though, we should be treated with the same attitude of respect as others.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - A Biblical Response to Cancel Culture
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Eric Lyons
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should Christ-followers be sickened by a society that lifts evil as good and stomps on good?

Throughout history, have people who speak out against evil been treated poorly? Eric reviews some of the martyrs and those who were heavily persecuted in the Old Testament.

Jesus faced his own “Cancel Culture”. Even Saul was a member of the Cancel Culture, killing Christians. How did Jesus turn the heart of Saul?

How are we to respond to Cancel Culture? Eric warns against rushing to judgement and urges us to, instead, remember the Fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Click here to help support Apologetics Press.

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November 1, 2023

Title: A Biblical Response to Cancel Culture
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Eric Lyons
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 2

1 Peter 2:12 “Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.”

Eric Lyons is the Executive Director of Apologetics Press. Today, Eric discusses why and how Christians should respond in a Biblical way to Cancel Culture.

Click here to read Eric Lyons’ op-ed on this very important subject.

Click here to read more on America’s Culture War from Apologetics Press.

Click here for the many videos from Apologetics Press on different topics.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Christians often tempted to respond to the Cancel Culture with the impatience of an angry child or the retaliation of a driver with road rage?

Are Christians often treated with ridicule and censorship? Are they often out-right dismissed? Eric believes that even non-Christians who hold to traditional values are being mocked and “canceled”. (Example: JK Rowlings’ outspoken stance against transgenderism.)

What is so wrong about “Cancel Culture”?

Are Christians held to a different standard of decorum? Eric explains that Christians are absolutely held to a different standard by Jesus Christ. As far as society, though, we should be treated with the same attitude of respect as others.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - A Biblical Response to Cancel Culture
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Eric Lyons
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should Christ-followers be sickened by a society that lifts evil as good and stomps on good?

Throughout history, have people who speak out against evil been treated poorly? Eric reviews some of the martyrs and those who were heavily persecuted in the Old Testament.

Jesus faced his own “Cancel Culture”. Even Saul was a member of the Cancel Culture, killing Christians. How did Jesus turn the heart of Saul?

How are we to respond to Cancel Culture? Eric warns against rushing to judgement and urges us to, instead, remember the Fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Click here to help support Apologetics Press.

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June 20, 2022

Title: Cancel Culture is the Real “Fear Mob”
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

The Cancel Culture’s goal is to frighten people so severely that no one dares to speak out, shocking them into apologetic behavior. Cancel Culture seeks to demonize their opponent, placing them high in a sacrificial tree, using them as an example so all others cower into silence.

Robert H. Knight is a columnist for the Washington Times and a Senior Fellow for Bishop E.W. Jackson’s Staying True to America’s National Destiny

Click here to read the full article from Robert H. Knight discussed in today’s interview.

Click here for more from Robert H. Knight.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Aztec Indians offer human sacrifices? Robert explains how the Cancel Culture mob is just like the Aztecs, regularly serving up sacrificial lambs to signal their own virtue.

According to the Cancel Culture, what horrible, unspeakable, unforgivable thing did Washington Commanders Defensive Coordinator Jack Del Rio recently do? NOTE: He didn’t do anything horrible, unspeakable, or unforgivable by normal standards. He is just an American who expressed his personal opinion.

Is the Cancel Culture following Marxist Saul Alinsky’s playbook? Robert reminds us: “Alinsky said to pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” This is exactly what is happening now.

Did a Washington Post sports columnist write that Jack Del Rio is “unfit” to be a football coach?

Are Americans really free to express their opinion without fear of retaliation? Robert reads a portion of Saul Alinsky’s book, “Rules for Radicals”, explaining that this is the Left’s #1 attack tactic.

Does the Left love to ignore the facts and the evidence? Robert specifically discusses the 2020 Election.

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July 26, 2021

Title: Was the Starbucks Manager Canned by the Cancel Culture?
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Joe Dallas
with Joe Dallas (

There is growing pressure, not just for acceptance of moral differences, but converting to them and adopting them. The pressure to conform to “woke culture” has never been greater.

Author Joe Dallas has much to say about the “woke culture” of today – especially when Christians are sucked into the lies and manipulation.

Click here to order your copy of Joe’s newest book, “Christians in a Cancel Culture”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did a Starbucks manager get the axe?

How do we stand for Biblical truth without coming across as angry, weak, or wrong?

What is the common denominator between abortion, homosexuality, race, transgenders, and Progressive Christianity?

Will Christians soon pay a high price for straying from sound, Biblical doctrine?

Will Christians be muzzled from voicing their opinion? Joe Dallas believes that yes, the time is coming – if Christians remain silent.

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July 9, 2021

Title: Christians in a Cancel Culture
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Joe Dallas
with Joe Dallas (

Part 1 of 3

Cancel Culture” is everywhere we look – and our children are being bombarded the most.

Joe Dallas is the author of “Christians in a Cancel Culture” and many other books. He is also the Founder of Genesis Biblical Solution. Joe calls cancel culture a virus – and he is right.

Click here to pre-order your copy of Joe’s newest book, “Christians in a Cancel Culture”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do we speak wisdom and truth in the politically charged environment of today? Joe discusses racism, sexuality, abortion, and more…

If our lives do not match what we say, is our witness lost?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Christians in a Cancel Culture
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Joe Dallas
with Joe Dallas (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Christians who hold to Biblical values quickly becoming the untouchables in our society?

What are some of the consequences people are already experiencing when they speak the Truth of God’s Word? Joe reveals how Norwegians are not allowed to even speak out against transgenderism.

Is Satan doing everything he can to destroy Christian, Biblical values across the globe?

Are true believers who share their convictions vilified, minimized, and shouted down?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Christians in a Cancel Culture
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Joe Dallas
with Joe Dallas (

Questions/Issues Discussed

How are Christians to respond when they are shouted down, belittled, and hated? Joe says to “avoid raving and caving”.

Is there a real heaven and hell? Is Jesus real? How can we convey this in a loving way to those who disagree with us?

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April 1, 2021

Title: Cancel Culture Canceling Christianity at an Alarming Rate
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Jeff Kinley
with Jeff Kinley (

The cancel culture thrives on finding those who do not follow their dogma. In an age of tolerance, the cancel culture allows no disagreement, only blind compliance.

New guest Jeff Kinley is an author, blogger, and podcaster. Today he discusses whether or not Oral Roberts University should have been banned from the NCAA Tournament for their stance on Biblical morality against homosexuality.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why was Oral Roberts University banned from the NCAA?

Was a USA Today article concerning this issue grossly irresponsible?

How is the “cancel culture” affecting Christians and Conservatives today? How far will they go? Jeff says this: “Cancel culture is nothing more than a Satanic strategy to choke out the church and the message of the Gospel…It’s a seed being planted.”

What is the cancel culture’s agenda? Why do they only target Christians and Conservatives? Why not other religions and political affiliations?

Does cancel culture play into what the Bible says about the last days?

Do the “Sunday morning only” Christians have enough faith to stand in the last days?

Click here to pre-order a copy of “Aftershocks: Christians Entering a New Era of Global Crisis”.

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