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July 26, 2021

Title: Was the Starbucks Manager Canned by the Cancel Culture?
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Joe Dallas
with Joe Dallas (

There is growing pressure, not just for acceptance of moral differences, but converting to them and adopting them. The pressure to conform to “woke culture” has never been greater.

Author Joe Dallas has much to say about the “woke culture” of today – especially when Christians are sucked into the lies and manipulation.

Click here to order your copy of Joe’s newest book, “Christians in a Cancel Culture”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did a Starbucks manager get the axe?

How do we stand for Biblical truth without coming across as angry, weak, or wrong?

What is the common denominator between abortion, homosexuality, race, transgenders, and Progressive Christianity?

Will Christians soon pay a high price for straying from sound, Biblical doctrine?

Will Christians be muzzled from voicing their opinion? Joe Dallas believes that yes, the time is coming – if Christians remain silent.

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July 9, 2021

Title: Christians in a Cancel Culture
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Joe Dallas
with Joe Dallas (

Part 1 of 3

Cancel Culture” is everywhere we look – and our children are being bombarded the most.

Joe Dallas is the author of “Christians in a Cancel Culture” and many other books. He is also the Founder of Genesis Biblical Solution. Joe calls cancel culture a virus – and he is right.

Click here to pre-order your copy of Joe’s newest book, “Christians in a Cancel Culture”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do we speak wisdom and truth in the politically charged environment of today? Joe discusses racism, sexuality, abortion, and more…

If our lives do not match what we say, is our witness lost?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Christians in a Cancel Culture
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Joe Dallas
with Joe Dallas (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Christians who hold to Biblical values quickly becoming the untouchables in our society?

What are some of the consequences people are already experiencing when they speak the Truth of God’s Word? Joe reveals how Norwegians are not allowed to even speak out against transgenderism.

Is Satan doing everything he can to destroy Christian, Biblical values across the globe?

Are true believers who share their convictions vilified, minimized, and shouted down?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Christians in a Cancel Culture
Topic: Cancel Culture
Discussed by Joe Dallas
with Joe Dallas (

Questions/Issues Discussed

How are Christians to respond when they are shouted down, belittled, and hated? Joe says to “avoid raving and caving”.

Is there a real heaven and hell? Is Jesus real? How can we convey this in a loving way to those who disagree with us?

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