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November 17, 2020

Title: Face Mask Dress Codes: I Love Jesus BANNED!
Topic: Christian Discrimination in Public Schools
Discussed by Bruce Hausknecht
with Focus on the Family

Face masks have become an unfortunate part of the majority of public schools across America. Should the designs or phrases on face masks be subject to the same dress code as t-shirts and other clothing items?

Bruce Hausknecht is the Judicial Analyst at Focus on the Family. Today, he offers parents advice on how to proactively protect their children’s First Amendment Rights while attending a public school.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it common across America for public school officials to allow the Black Lives Matter T-shirts and face masks while not allowing masks with Christian or patriotic sayings?

Do our children and grandchildren have the First Amendment Right to display a religious and/or patriotic saying on their outer clothing?

Has the American society become increasingly hostile to Christians and Conservatives in recent years?

Side Bar: Are Supreme Court Justices permitted to speak in public about past cases? There is some confusion about this, so listen closely…

What rights do our children and grandchildren have? What should we do if we believe their rights have been violated?

What conversations should we have with our kids and grandkids about their constitutional rights while attending public schools?

Click here for more public policy information from Focus on the Family.

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January 24, 2020

Title: New Guidelines on Religious Freedom in Public Schools
Topic: Christian Discrimination in Public Schools
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Many people believe President Obama and his Administration went beyond their power and legal authority to hinder religious freedom in public schools.

Eric Buehrer, the President of Gateways to Better Education, has some great news. President Trump is changing that!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

By law, is the US Department of Education required to update their guidance on Constitutionally protected prayer and other activities in public elementary and secondary schools every two years?

Is this a clear indication that sometimes unelected bureaucrats run amok?

Do the new guidelines only affect student prayer? Or do they cover other issues more broadly?

Did President Trump take the ‘bull by the horns’ to get this accomplished?

Can a student pray over their own meal in the lunchroom?

Can a religious club, whether they meet on or off campus, distribute religious literature?

If a school allows students to wear t-shirts with writing on them, can a student wear a Trump or religious t-shirt?

If a teacher assigns a project to deliver in class, can a student report on religious/moral issues?

Gateways for Better Education is looking for local advocates across the country to help spread the positive message of religious freedom in public schools. If you are interested, click here

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February 13, 2019

Title: A Teacher Different than the Rest
Topic: Christian Discrimination in Public Schools
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Eric Buehrer is the President and Founder of Gateways to Better Education.  Today, Eric shares an inspiring story of a teacher and a student who made all the difference…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Breanne? What did God do through her and another student, Sarah?

Why do Bible Clubs in public schools need to be initiated by a student?

Google “Go Gateways” for more information about starting a Bible Club in YOUR school!

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January 23, 2019

Title: Christian Discrimination in Public Schools
Topic: Christian Discrimination in Public Schools
Discussed by Nate Kellum
with Center for Religious Expression (

Part 1 of 2

The Freedom from Religion Foundation was trying to scare school districts away from the Ark Encounter. Instead, it won them all free tickets! Nate Kellum, Chief Counsel for the Center for Religious Expression, has the hilarious, wonderful details…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Freedom from Religion Foundation?

What did the FFRF do in an attempt to scare public school districts away from allowing their students to travel to the Ark Encounter?

Is the FFRF just a big bully?

Are the words “separation of church and state” found in the US Constitution?

Does the FFRF use misinformation in its attempt to brainwash people into accepting a false interpretation of the First Amendment?

Nate Kellum is the attorney representing the Ark Encounter on this issue. He closes the segment by explaining what the Ark Encounter is. Put the Ark Encounter on your family bucket list!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Christian Discrimination in Public Schools
Topic: Christian Discrimination in Public Schools
Discussed by Nate Kellum
with Center for Religious Expression (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How has Ken Ham, the founder of the Ark Encounter, responded to the FFRF?

Have there been other challenges the Ark Encounter has faced?

Listen as Nate offers his opinion on why so many “Christian kids” leave the church when they leave for college…

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Title: Prayer Silenced In Texas Public School
Topic: Christian Discrimination in Public Schools
Discussed by Alexandra McPhee
with Family Research Council (

A classmate had been injured in an accident, so Hannah gathered a few friends together to quietly pray. What happened next will shock you… or maybe not….

Alexandra McPhee is the Director of Religious Freedom Advocacy at Family Research Council. Listen as she discusses the case…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where did this event occur? HINT: in Texas…

Was Hannah disruptive? Did her friends make a scene?

How did the Principal react? Did he violate the students’ Constitutional rights?

Don’t worry! The outcome was good! Listen as Alexandra gives the details…

The Federal Protection for Religious Freedom Act was signed by which President in 1993?

Are similar displays of discrimination experienced in public schools across the nation?

Do too many people believe the lies from the Left concerning religious freedom in public schools?

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January 22, 2019

Title: Students Sue School for Taking Away Bibles
Topic: Christian Discrimination in Public Schools
Discussed by Candi Cushman
with Bring Your Bible to School Day (

Last October, over 650,000 students across the country participated in “Bring Your Bible to School Day”. Now, only a few months later, there are several lawsuits from students who were discriminated against on that day.

Candi Cushman has the details about these lawsuits and how you can help. Candi is the founder and facilitator for Focus on the Family’s annual student-led “Bring Your Bible to School Day”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many public school students across America participated in “Bring Your Bible to School Day”? Was this an increase from previous years?

Did some students have their constitutional rights violated during the most recent event?

What happened in California with two boys who wanted to participate in the event?

What happened in Pennsylvania when a few teenagers tried to hand out bibles to their friends during lunchtime?

Are these isolated cases or are there others? Candi discusses a case from New Jersey involving coloring pages!

Why is it so important for students to share their beliefs at school?

How can parents help their children be strong in their faith?

Click here  for more information.

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