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January 23, 2019

Title: Prayer Silenced In Texas Public School
Topic: Christian Discrimination in Public Schools
Discussed by Alexandra McPhee
with Family Research Council (

A classmate had been injured in an accident, so Hannah gathered a few friends together to quietly pray. What happened next will shock you… or maybe not….

Alexandra McPhee is the Director of Religious Freedom Advocacy at Family Research Council. Listen as she discusses the case…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where did this event occur? HINT: in Texas…

Was Hannah disruptive? Did her friends make a scene?

How did the Principal react? Did he violate the students’ Constitutional rights?

Don’t worry! The outcome was good! Listen as Alexandra gives the details…

The Federal Protection for Religious Freedom Act was signed by which President in 1993?

Are similar displays of discrimination experienced in public schools across the nation?

Do too many people believe the lies from the Left concerning religious freedom in public schools?

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