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February 5, 208

Title: The Trump Tax Plan: Good or Bad for Families?
Topic: Trump Tax Plan
Discussed by Mandi Ancalle
with Family Research Council (

Today, Mandi Ancalle will be discussing the details of the new Trump tax plan and what it means for your family and your pocketbook.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the new Trump Tax plan designed to provide tax relief for families?

Does it provide effective tax relief to families with children?

Does the Trump Tax Plan provide tax relief for those caring for dependents, mentally/physically challenged children, and/or ailing elderly parents?

Who does not like the Trump Tax Relief Plan?

Will there be a new SHORTER tax form to fill out this next year? Is this good or bad?

Who are winners? Who are losers?

Does the Trump Tax Plan strengthen families?

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January 16, 2018

Title: Trump’s Tax Plan
Topic: Trump Tax Plan
Discussed by Phil Kerpen
with American Commitment (

Guest Phil Kerpen recently stated: “With his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, President Trump will achieve three signature legislative victories for the American people: cutting taxes, repealing the Obamacare mandate, and boosting American energy production. Listen in as he explains each point in more detail…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who will benefit from Trump’s Tax Plan?

How many people will see an increase in their taxes? Can these people afford the increase? HINT: Yep.

Will businesses be able to pass their tax cuts along to their customers?

When will people begin to see a difference in their paychecks?

Did the child tax credit increase significantly? Is this good or bad news?

How will Trump’s Tax Plan affect energy production?

Does Donald Trump really think that earmarks are the answer? HINT: Yes, but he’s wrong!

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October 3, 2017

Title: The Trump Tax Plan: Good or Bad for Families?
Topic: Trump Tax Plan
Discussed by Mandi Ancalle
with Family Research Council (

Today, Mandi Ancalle will be discussing the details of the new Trump tax plan and what it means for your family and your pocketbook.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the new Trump Tax plan designed to provide tax relief for families?

Does it provide effective tax relief to families with children?

Does the Trump Tax Plan provide tax relief for those caring for dependents, mentally/physically challenged children, and/or ailing elderly parents?

Who does not like the Trump Tax Relief Plan?

Will there be a new SHORTER tax form to fill out this next year? Is this good or bad?

Who are winners? Who are losers?

Does the Trump Tax Plan strengthen families?

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Title: The Best Path to Prosperity
Topic: Trump Tax Plan
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Congressional leadership in the House and the Senate have proposed a new tax reform plan, the Trump Tax Plan.

Dr. Vance Ginn is the Director of the Center for Economic Prosperity and a Senior Economist at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Listen in as Dr. Ginn explains how the Trump Tax Plan will aid in finally moving the economy forward, helping lower income Americans to get back on their feet in an unprecedented way.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is this an accurate statement: “The best path to prosperity is a job”?

How will the Trump Tax Plan affect businesses?

Does reducing the business tax burden help working Americans? In addition, why can’t lower income tax-paying Americans see the benefits of this?

How does the current tax code place a chokehold on businesses in America?

In Dr. Ginn’s opinion, is Trump trying to punish Californian’s with certain taxes and reductions?

Will the new Trump Tax Plan allow businesses to file their taxes in a more simplified way?

When Kennedy and Reagan cut the tax rate, did the flow of taxes increase or decrease?

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