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February 5, 208

Title: The Trump Tax Plan: Good or Bad for Families?
Topic: Trump Tax Plan
Discussed by Mandi Ancalle
with Family Research Council (

Today, Mandi Ancalle will be discussing the details of the new Trump tax plan and what it means for your family and your pocketbook.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the new Trump Tax plan designed to provide tax relief for families?

Does it provide effective tax relief to families with children?

Does the Trump Tax Plan provide tax relief for those caring for dependents, mentally/physically challenged children, and/or ailing elderly parents?

Who does not like the Trump Tax Relief Plan?

Will there be a new SHORTER tax form to fill out this next year? Is this good or bad?

Who are winners? Who are losers?

Does the Trump Tax Plan strengthen families?

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October 3, 2017

Title: The Trump Tax Plan: Good or Bad for Families?
Topic: Trump Tax Plan
Discussed by Mandi Ancalle
with Family Research Council (

Today, Mandi Ancalle will be discussing the details of the new Trump tax plan and what it means for your family and your pocketbook.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the new Trump Tax plan designed to provide tax relief for families?

Does it provide effective tax relief to families with children?

Does the Trump Tax Plan provide tax relief for those caring for dependents, mentally/physically challenged children, and/or ailing elderly parents?

Who does not like the Trump Tax Relief Plan?

Will there be a new SHORTER tax form to fill out this next year? Is this good or bad?

Who are winners? Who are losers?

Does the Trump Tax Plan strengthen families?

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August 16, 2016

Title: Get to Know Your Elected Officials
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Mandi Ancalle
with Family Research Council (

Congress has adjourned for recess until after Labor Day, and Congressmen and Senators will be traveling throughout their Districts hosting town halls and public forums. Asking questions at these events is a great way for you to help your elected representatives understand issues of concern for you and your family.

Mandi Ancalle is General Counsel for Government Affairs at the Family Research Council, where she is responsible for analyzing pending legislation, regulations, and executive orders. Mandi also lobbies on various issues including family values and religious liberty.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As a lobbyist, how does Mandi communicate with elected officials concerning specific issues?

How important is it that citizens contact their elected officials concerning issues which are important to them?

Listen in as Holly explains just how vital it is for voters to attend town hall meetings, coffees, fundraisers, and other political meetings in order to express their opinion on issues. She also offers some topics to discuss with your elected officials as you attend meetings this fall before the election.

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December 9, 2015

Title: Supercharged EDNA in WDC: The Equality Act
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Mandi Ancalle
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: We will be discussing lies parents tell about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. If you don’t want your children to hear the truth about these fictional characters just yet, listen to this segment when they are out of ear shot.

Equal rights are important to maintaining a civil society. However, when certain rights trample on the freedom and safety of the majority, those are not considered “equal rights”; they are lies straight from the devil himself. The “Equality Act” (S. 1858 and H.R. 3185) is better known as a supercharged ENDA: the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. The homosexual mafia is using the equal rights debate to bully and coerce lawmakers and business owners to bow down to their every whim.

Mandi Ancalle  is General Counsel for Government Affairs with the Family Research Council. It is Mandi’s job to research proposed legislation and determine its constitutionality. Concerning this topic, she is gravely concerned for the future of our country, especially for our children and grandchildren. Mandi encourages parents to teach their children the difference between homosexuality (which is a choice) and race (which is not a choice).

In her opinion, “Liberal activists on the left do not want their choices to be tolerated. They want the acceptance of those choices to be mandated by the government.” What the ‘Equality Act’ proposes is the extreme of this ideology. If you’ve been following the HERO debate in Houston, then you will know what to expect from this legislation in WDC. It actually will legalize men going into women’s facilities nationally.

Listen in as Mandi explains more about the proposal and how completely and utterly devastating it will be for our country if passed. For instance, Mandi points out that just because a man considers himself “transgender” does not mean he isn’t attracted to females anymore. Furthermore, the federal law will allow boys in the girl’s bathroom and locker room at all public schools in America. People, wake up! This is really happening and if you sit back and do nothing, it will be too late.

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November 13, 2015

Title: Thanking those who Helped with HERO
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Mandi Ancalle
with Family Research Council (

It is only right and fair to give thanks to the Family Research Council for their commitment and support to Houston area pastors and citizens throughout the whole HERO ordeal over the past year. Their efforts to inform the public of the truth behind Mayor Parker’s agenda were a huge benefit to the city. Thank you, Family Research Council, for all you do.

Mandi Ancalle is the General Counsel for the Family Research Council. Mandi believes the rally the FRC sponsored over a year ago was the wakeup call Christians across the nation needed. It really opened their eyes to the evil that is taking place in every aspect of our government, from The White House and Congress all the way down to our city councils.

Mandi discusses the use of technology to spread messages to voting demographics. It’s important to reach the people through what they identify with, and using instant messages and multi-language campaign ads are a great start. “When people are given the chance to vote on issues like this, they choose morality and safety,” Mandi says.

However, there is still a lot of work to be done on this issue, Mandi says. It takes time, patience, and lots of money. Are your children and grandchildren worth it? The LGBTQ will not give up because they lost in Houston. “In fact, they are doubling down on their efforts,” Mandi reveals. Listen in as Mandi offers more details.

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October 13, 2015

Title: Supercharged EDNA in WDC: The Equality Act
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Mandi Ancalle
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: We will be discussing lies parents tell about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. If you don’t want your children to hear the truth about these fictional characters just yet, listen to this segment when they are out of ear shot.

Equal rights are important to maintaining a civil society. However, when certain rights trample on the freedom and safety of the majority, those are not considered “equal rights”; they are lies straight from the devil himself. The “Equality Act” (S. 1858 and H.R. 3185) is better known as a supercharged ENDA: the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. The homosexual mafia is using the equal rights debate to bully and coerce lawmakers and business owners to bow down to their every whim.

Mandi Ancalle  is General Counsel for Government Affairs with the Family Research Council. It is Mandi’s job to research proposed legislation and determine its constitutionality. Concerning this topic, she is gravely concerned for the future of our country, especially for our children and grandchildren. Mandi encourages parents to teach their children the difference between homosexuality (which is a choice) and race (which is not a choice).

In her opinion, “Liberal activists on the left do not want their choices to be tolerated. They want the acceptance of those choices to be mandated by the government.” What the ‘Equality Act’ proposes is the extreme of this ideology. If you’ve been following the HERO debate in Houston, then you will know what to expect from this legislation in WDC. It actually will legalize men going into women’s facilities nationally.

Listen in as Mandi explains more about the proposal and how completely and utterly devastating it will be for our country if passed. For instance, Mandi points out that just because a man considers himself “transgender” does not mean he isn’t attracted to females anymore. Furthermore, the federal law will allow boys in the girl’s bathroom and locker room at all public schools in America. People, wake up! This is really happening and if you sit back and do nothing, it will be too late.

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