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October 10, 2017

Title: The Welfare State’s Legacy
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Dr. Walter Williams
with Dr. Walter Williams (

Dr. Walter E. Williams is a Policy Board Member with the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) and a Professor of Economics at George Mason University.

Dr. Williams recently wrote an opinion piece for Townhall “The Welfare State’s Legacy”.  In this interview, Dr. Williams says this: “The welfare state is an equal opportunity destroyer of families.” Why does he have such harsh words?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there empirical evidence that the problems of today’s black Americans are a result of a legacy of slavery, racial discrimination, and poverty?

Listen as Dr. Williams reveals and compares some shocking statistics from the early 1900’s and the 1960’s to numbers that are occurring today. The trend is even evidenced in non-black family households, so it cannot be attributed to slavery.

What is the #1 problem facing black families today? What evidence is available to corroborate Dr. Williams’ opinion?

Did slavery, discrimination, or poverty lead to the breakup of the family? Does Dr. Williams have proof? Is this true for ALL races or just blacks?

Compare a black man from the 1940’s/1950’s to a black man today in 2017. What’s the difference? Dr. Williams mention a book he wrote, “Race and Economics: How Much can Discrimination Explain”.

Is there a real difference in the education level achieved in blacks compared to whites? Why?

How does minimum wage hurt the average black person?

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