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June 27, 2017

Title: Poor No More: Rethinking Dependency
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Peter Cove
with America Works (

Part 1 of 2

There are three times as many people in America collecting disability benefits than there were in 1990. Peter Cove, the founder of America Works, believes that forty percent of these individuals could be working if given the opportunity. But, how is this achievable?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

America is so deep in red ink, why should we even bother?

How much is currently given to SSI recipients yearly?

Many people currently receiving benefits would once again join the workforce if only given the chance. What can we do to help?

If the government reduced the disability budget by a mere one percent, would that decrease the red ink? The Penny Plan…

What is the “Ticket To Work” program? Listen in to the next segment as he continues to explain how this program works.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Poor No More: Rethinking Dependency
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Peter Cove
with America Works (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the mission of “America Works”? Peter Cove continues to explain the “Ticket to Work” Program…

Can a person who is truly disabled really get a job and stop being dependent on the government?

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June 12, 2017

Title: Poor No More: Rethinking Dependency
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Peter Cove
with America Works (

Part 1 of 2

There are three times as many people in America collecting disability benefits than there were in 1990. Peter Cove, the founder of America Works, believes that forty percent of these individuals could be working if given the opportunity. But, how is this achievable?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

America is so deeply in debt, why should we even bother?

How much is currently given to SSI recipients yearly?

Many people currently receiving benefits would once again join the workforce if only given the chance. What can we do to help?

If the government reduced the disability budget by a mere one percent, would that decrease the national debt? The Penny Plan…

What is the “Ticket To Work” program? Listen in to the next segment as he continues to explain how this program works.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Poor No More: Rethinking Dependency
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Peter Cove
with America Works (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the mission of “America Works”? Peter Cove continues to explain the “Ticket to Work” Program…

Can a person who is truly disabled really get a job and stop being dependent on the government?

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February 21, 2017

Title: Teach a Man to Fish
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Peter Cove
with America Works (

Part 1 of 3

New guest Peter Cove is the Founder and President of America Works. Peter is one of the nation's leading advocates for private solutions to welfare dependency. Today, we will be discussing his new book, “Poor No More”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Peter advocate for the complete removal of all government welfare programs, except for those who truly cannot work due to physical or mental issues?

Peter Cove actually began his career on the “other side of the aisle”, advocating for more liberal programs. What caused him to change his mind?

There are millions of people out of work today. Who benefits from the America Works program?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Teach a Man to Fish
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Peter Cove
with America Works (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Since 1965, how much money has the US government spent on welfare programs? Why aren’t the programs working?

Peter Cove’s company, America Works, offers employment services to state and local welfare agencies with the aim of placing welfare recipients in jobs quickly, with a minimal amount of time spent on training. In his book, “Poor No More”, Peter outlines the “Work-First” model. Listen as he explains this program.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Teach a Man to Fish
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Peter Cove
with America Works (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the biggest barriers to welfare recipients finding and retaining employment?

Can teenagers aging out of the foster care system find help in America Works? Can Veterans and single moms find assistance?

How can the average citizen help spread the word about the amazing things America Works is doing for the economy?

What should our elected officials do immediately to create more jobs?

You can order a copy of Peter Cove’s book, “Poor No More”, here.

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