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March 16, 2015

Title: The Last Straw on the Camel's Back
Topic: Hillarygate
Discussed by Dr. Mitch Land
with Regent University (

Dr. Mitch Land has extensive experience in the area of media ethics and propaganda. He is currently Dean of the School of Communication and the Arts at Regent University, teaching courses on media ethics, international communications, public relations cases and campaigns, public opinion and propaganda, media law, and a host of other topics. Dr. Land is here today to discuss the recent revelation that Hillary Clinton has been duping the American public – again.

First, Dr. Land wants to explain how organizations like the “Associated Press” came to fruition and what their purpose and mission is. During the Civil War, several newspapers would gather together and choose one reporter to cover the story and represent all of them at the same time. This was quite risky, because not all newspapers had to same ideal in mind. “It is supposed to be an un-biased source of news, but…..” What happened along the way?

Dr. Land is very passionate about this issue. The MSM has been left-leaning for decades and that is not the way reporters are to behave. “Whenever public office holders attempt not to tell the truth or try to cover up, they need to be held accountable!” Dr. Land contends. He doesn’t care what political party they identify with, but the MSM certainly does!

Now, what about Hillary Clinton’s latest attempt at hiding the fact that she used a private email address and personal server for all her State Department correspondence? This all came to light because the AP filed a lawsuit to obtain Hillary’s records. It’s public information. Anyone can request them! Listen in as Dr. Land reveals more information about this lawsuit. “There is a definite double standard. This administration has been the most opaque administration in the history of the American Presidency,” proclaims Dr. Land.

For more from Dr. Mitch Land, click [here].

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January 13, 2015

Title: Freedom of Speech and Religion are Under Attack Across the Globe
Topic: Freedom Under Attack
Discussed by Dr. Mitch Land
with Regent University (

Do we really have the right to freedom of speech? What about freedom of religion? We, in America, think we are untouchable and can say and do whatever we want without the fear of prosecution and persecution. However, the recent murderous attacks in France have left many American citizens wondering if we are truly as safe as we think we are.

Dr. Mitch Land says that our democracy depends on freedom of speech and religion – and it defends it. Listen in as Dr. Land discusses why everyone has the right to speak their mind – for or against something – as long as they do not hinder the opposition’s privilege to do the same!

There are, of course, some exceptions, like advocating murder or purposefully wanting to cause harm to someone or a group of people. However, some religions and religious leaders are protected when they advocate killing people or causing harm to others. How can this be protected speech? Should the leaders be held responsible if someone in their congregation performs a criminal act in the name of their religion?

Listen in as Dr. Land explains this and more!

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September 8, 2014

Title: Democrats Want More Cake!
Topic: First Amendment Rights
Discussed by Dr. Mitch Land
with Regent University (

Oh come on! I thought that I had heard just about everything, and I am a firm supporter of the 7th Amendment, but this just takes the cake!  A black editor has sued People Magazine for catering to white people.

Dr. Mitch Land is the Dean of Communications at Regent University. He shares that People Magazine had to downsize and a black editor was released from employment. She is now claiming that People Magazine is racist because they don’t write enough stories about black people.

Dr. Land explains how magazines, entertainment shows, and newspapers do extensive surveys to determine who their audience is. He is also doubtful that a judge would rule in favor of this woman because it is in direct violation of the Constitution.

Listen in to hear more.

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July 18, 2013

Title: Journalism Professor Outraged By Rolling Stone
Topic: CopyCat Encouragement
Discussed by Dr. Mitch Land
with Regent University (

Outrage is growing against Rolling Stone – the magazine. On the soon to be released August issue, they glamorize the [accused] Boston marathon bomber.

Will this encourage ‘Copycats’? Over the past twenty years, I have never interviewed someone as angry as Dr. Land. Listen in…. but be ready to take your own ‘chill-pill’…be ready to put in to practice every ‘anger management technique’ you know… Suggestion: ask the store managers where you shop that carry magazines to boycott the Rolling Stone.

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