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January 19, 2024

Title: Are American Families Better or Worse under Biden?
Topic: Bideneconomics
Discussed by Robert Henneke
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Despite the spin, Americans are waking up to the truth about the Biden Administration’s harmful policies.

The Honorable Robert Henneke is the General Counsel at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, he discusses Bidenomics and the state of our nation.

Click here to read Robert’s op-ed on this important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are American families worse off under President Biden?

Did President Biden recently admonish a reporter for not looking at the current economy in a positive light?

Is the economy improving?

Does the MSM claim that the Biden economy is a miracle? Robert discusses some of the lies and calls MSM “opinion stations”.

Are Black, Hispanic, and young voters not buying the MSM spin?

Robert Henneke was the elected County Attorney in Kerr County, Kerrville, Texas for two terms. What advice does he have for Republican candidates?

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March 30, 2021

Title: TPPF Sues the CDC
Topic: CDC Power Grab
Discussed by Robert Henneke
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In March 2020, the CDC essentially nationalized rental property in the US. They are now trying to extend the ban on evictions. Is this good or bad for the American population?

Robert Henneke is the General Council for the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did the CDC announce a ban on evictions in March 2020?

Did the CDC implement an outrageous fine plus possible jail time if a property owner attempted to recover their property? Is the CDC defending the ban in the name of “fairness”?

The Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Southeastern Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit on behalf of private property owners. Why the are they fighting this power grab by the CDC?

Did Joe Biden extend the ban on evictions?

We all agree that we should have compassion on renters during this difficult time. What if someone flat-out refuses to pay, though? Is that fair to the home owner?

How did the Federal Court rule in the TPPF’s court case against the CDC?

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January 24, 2019

Title: What are Democracy Dollars?
Topic: Democracy Dollars
Discussed by Robert Henneke
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In a move that surprised many, including the attorney who brought the case, the Washington Supreme Court has agreed to hear Elster v. Seattle, which argues that Seattle’s Democracy Voucher Program forces property taxpayers to support political speech they might not agree with. Now, the City of Austin wants to do the same.

Here with all the details is Robert Henneke, General Counsel and Director of the Center for the American Future at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are Democracy Dollars?

How many “average Americans” actually contribute financially to political campaigns?

Is this a bipartisan issue? If not, why do so many Liberal want to implement Democracy Dollars?

Is it constitutional to force people to subsidize political speech they might not support? Is it ethical? Is it a proper role of city government?

Listen as Robert Henneke offers more details about the Austin proposal…

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June 28, 2018

Title: What’s UP With Obamacare?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Robert Henneke
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

What’s UP with Obamacare? Don’t tune out! Robert Henneke has an update!

Before joining the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Robert served as the twice-elected Kerr County Attorney. Robert began his legal career serving as an Assistant Attorney General in the General Litigation division under the leadership of then Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. He is currently the General Counsel and Director of the Center for the American Future at the TPPF.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are the American people tired of hearing about ObamaCare? Robert Henneke says: “We are tired of all talk and no action!” This is so true!

Is the “other side” hoping that the GOP will just give up and surrender?

What has the US Supreme Court ruled concerning mandates within Obamacare?

What has Congress done concerning the penalties if a person/family does not purchase medical insurance?

What happens if the US Supreme Court rules in the favor of Texas and other states, invalidating ObamaCare?

HHow is the Texas Public Policy Foundation helping not only Texans, but the American people as a whole?

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October 11, 2016

Title: Government Regulations Too Costly
Topic: Government Regulations: Too Expensive & Ineffective
Discussed by Robert Henneke
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

We will not have a future if we do not have infrastructure, an educated and willing work-force, and small businesses driving the economy.

Robert Henneke is the Director of the Center for the American Future at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today he will be discussing the gross overreach of government regulations and their effect on everyday life.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do big businesses or small businesses drive the economy?

Some say that Texas is hiring the most new employees across America. Is this true? If so, why?

Robert Henneke believes that the Federal Government is trying to unfairly push unfunded mandates and regulations onto business owners. Listen in as he gives one specific example surrounding new home regulations and how much it is really costing YOU!

How is Robert fighting these unnecessary regulations through the Center for the American Future at the Texas Public Policy Foundation?

How is Obamacare affecting small businesses in Texas?

Every January, the Texas Public Policy Foundation hosts a “Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature”. Click here for more details.

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June 25, 2015

Title: EPA Overreach: They Want your Water
Topic: EPA to Regulate Your Puddle and Ditch
Discussed by Robert Henneke
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Water is everywhere. In your backyard. On your driveway. In the street in front of your house. You probably don’t ever give it a second thought (unless it was during or after Tropical Storm Bill). The EPA is paying attention, though, and that is bad news for everyone. Back in 1972, Congress gave the EPA the authority to govern navigable waters through the “Clean Water Act”. However, in recent years, the EPA has taken this regulation out of context.

Robert Henneke is the Director of the Center for the American Future at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He discusses how these laws have been so broadly expanded by the Executive Branch that they do not even remotely resemble the original statutes. Robert says, “It’s hard to find a better example of this then the recent abuse we’re seeing coming out of the EPA in their ‘Waters of the United States’ rule adoption. It is nothing more than a federal land-grab and attack on private property ownership.”

If the EPA is given permission to regulate water on private land, Robert says, “Property owners would be required to secure costly and time-consuming permits.” There is also the threat of criminal prosecution if property owners do not comply with these regulations, which is, in my opinion, just outrageous!

Now is the time for Congress to step up and stop the EPA, not give them more control. We must challenge our elected officials to do what’s right. Listen to the next segment with Robert Henneke as he continues explaining the EPA’s shameful overreach.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - EPA Overreach: They Want your Water
Topic: EPA to Regulate Your Puddle and Ditch
Discussed by Robert Henneke
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

There is no doubt that the EPA is definitely in cahoots with the environmentalists. But just how deep does their alliance go?

Robert Henneke discusses the left’s play-book nicknamed ‘Sue and Settle’ and ways the Center for American Future  plans to stop the EPA and the Obama Administration. Private citizens who own their own property do not deserve this kind of treatment. They should not be forced to abide by rules meant for commerce purposes.

The Center for American Future  is fighting for you and your rights. They believe the government, especially the EPA, needs to stop having their behind-closed-meetings. It is time to force the EPA to abide by the Constitution and common sense. Click [here]  for more information.

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