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August 5, 2011

Title: When the Fed’s Say Violent Crime is Down In America, Do You Feel Safer?
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Alan Jacobson
with Alan Jacobson (

Part 1

Our guest today has worked with F.B.I. profilers for nineteen years. His books are fiction…but based on facts with the names changed to protect the innocent and the victims.

Criminals do not read that statistics say crime is down. They continue to look for victims. But how can you reduce your chances of becoming a victim?

Alan has written many best sellers, False Accusations, The Hunted, The 7th Victim, Crush, Velocity, and just released Inmate 1577.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Criminal Activity
Discussed by Alan Jacobson
with Alan Jacobson (

Our guest today, who has worked with F.B.I. profilers for nineteen years, suggests ways to reduce your chances of becoming a victim.

1. Be aware of your situation. Be proactive to avoid certain areas.

2. Make yourself less of a target. An offender is looking for an easy “mark”. Walk fast, look around, and avoid talking on your phone going to and from your car. Pull your drapes or blinds at night and install lighting around your home.

3. Put up a fight. Listen in to find out why Alan recommends putting up a fight.

Log onto and sign up for his e-mail alerts and to receive a free, 22-page Personal Safety Booklet co-written by FBI profiler Mark Safarik and Alan Jacobson.

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