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April 15, 2015

Title: Owning a Business as a Christian
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Part 1 of 2

Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about business? How should we act as owners? How should we behave as employees? More importantly, how should we treat those less fortunate than we are?

Bob Dickie is the President of Crown Financial Ministries, which produces My Money Life, a vignette we play daily on the What’s UP Radio Program. Bob is also an author, speaker, and conference leader. He is preparing for a new event for Christian business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs on “How to Build a Business that Cares for the Least of These”.

Many people are experiencing financial difficulties, especially small business owners. It might be hard to want to help those who are less fortunate than we are for fear of losing our livelihood. Bob Dickie says, “We live in a culture of self-centeredness, fueled by greed. When that happens, the least of these get forgotten.” Listen in as he discusses this and gives some great advice straight from the Bible. “God owns your business. You are merely the steward.”

At the beginning of each day, fall on your knees and ask God for wisdom. “It’s okay to strive for success, but you don’t want to violate Biblical principals in that process,” Bob Dickie says. And remember: Employees are people, too. They are the life-blood of any business. They deserve to be treated with respect. Listen in to the next segment with Bob as he elaborates on why it is important to take care of your employees.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Owning a Business as a Christian
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Lack of a good work ethic is one of the most frequent complaints that Bob Dickie hears from business owners concerning their employees. His council to employees is to “always do your best and always treat your employer with respect.” Your character will prove itself and you will rise to the top. No matter what your job description is, always be ready to do more. Employees, your attitude should be “What can I do that you don’t want to do?”

Finally, Bob Dickie discusses George Bailey, who is the banker in the classic Christmas movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” and the bankruptcy of Enron. Why is the “Golden Rule” such an important lesson to learn? Companies that thrive follow Biblical principles, plain and simple. “They honor God and keep Him first, doing things according to scripture,” Bob says. “God’s principles change everything, not just for this lifetime, but for eternity.

Bob has a new book out, “The Leap”, that you can order [here].

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April 10, 2014

Title: San Antonio Ordinance is a Bad Fit for Houston
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Reverend Dave Welch
with US Pastor Council (US Pastor Council)

Part 1 of 2

Is the day coming when a Jewish house of worship will be forced to perform a Muslin marriage and vice versa? Will Baptist preachers be forced to perform a same-sex marriage? Actually, that day may be here sooner then we think.

Houston Mayor Annise Parker centered her re-election campaign around her sexual preference, which is a same-sex attraction. She even went as far as going to California to get “married” to gain support.

Now, Mayor Parker wants to model Houston after San Antonio and their lack of respect for all things Christian. Listen in as Dave Welch, with the US Pastor Council, explains why we cannot allow this to happen.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Reverend Dave Welch
with US Pastor Council (US Pastor Council)

Dave Welch continues discussing the San Antonio ordinance.

If a similar system is implemented in Houston as Mayor Parker wishes, it would have a profound effect on not only Houston area businesses and churches, but all city employees would be bound and gagged, as well.

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March 19, 2014

Title: America’s So-Called “Free Marker” System
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Bryan Fischer
with American Family Association

Part 1 of 3

By now, most people have heard about the two businesses in opposite regions of the United States who refused to offer their services to homosexual couples.

You may already have an opinion on the issue.

But what does the Constitution say?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Bryan Fischer
with American Family Association

It is becoming a hazard to be a Christian and a business owner. If “we” must be forced to allow “them” to dictate the way “we” run our own business, what will stop “them” from running the entire country?

This new way of discrimination must stop.

Listen in as Bryan Fischer, the Director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy at the American Family Association, explains the dangers.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Bryan Fischer
with American Family Association

Every day, we have the opportunity to be a witness for Christ to the people around us, whether we “agree” with them or not. Carol Everett, the author of Blood Money, wanting to expand their abortion business, hired a business consultant, who just happened to be a Christian. The result? Carol accept Jesus Christ as her Savior! This is a perfect example of allowing Him to work through us, even in “unpleasant” circumstances.

Log on to  for more on this and other legal issues facing our nation.

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