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June 20, 2014

Title: Bullies and Bigots
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Bryan Fischer
with American Family Association

Being a Christian is a hazard to your employment health if you are a baker, a florist, a photographer, a broadcaster, a counselor, or a college educator. We can now add LAW ENFORCEMENT to this list.

A police officer in Utah did not want to lead a gay pride parade. He didn’t refuse to protect and serve; he simply requested a different, behind-the-scenes position. The police chief, Lara Jones, said: "We don't tolerate bias and bigotry in the department, and assignments are assignments … To allow personal opinion to enter into whether an officer will take a post is not something that can be tolerated in a police department.”

Guest, Bryan Fischer, asks this: Would the police chief have accommodated a black officer who didn't want to lead a KKK parade? A Jewish officer who didn't want to lead a Nazi-revival parade? So, what’s the difference?

Listen in as Bryan discusses the newest wave of bullying and bigotry from the LBGT community.

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March 19, 2014

Title: America’s So-Called “Free Marker” System
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Bryan Fischer
with American Family Association

Part 1 of 3

By now, most people have heard about the two businesses in opposite regions of the United States who refused to offer their services to homosexual couples.

You may already have an opinion on the issue.

But what does the Constitution say?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Bryan Fischer
with American Family Association

It is becoming a hazard to be a Christian and a business owner. If “we” must be forced to allow “them” to dictate the way “we” run our own business, what will stop “them” from running the entire country?

This new way of discrimination must stop.

Listen in as Bryan Fischer, the Director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy at the American Family Association, explains the dangers.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Bryan Fischer
with American Family Association

Every day, we have the opportunity to be a witness for Christ to the people around us, whether we “agree” with them or not. Carol Everett, the author of Blood Money, wanting to expand their abortion business, hired a business consultant, who just happened to be a Christian. The result? Carol accept Jesus Christ as her Savior! This is a perfect example of allowing Him to work through us, even in “unpleasant” circumstances.

Log on to  for more on this and other legal issues facing our nation.

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January 28, 2014

Title: Obama and IRS Plan To Silence Sample Ballots and Score Cards
Topic: IRS and Elections
Discussed by Bryan Fischer
with American Family Association

Part 1 of 2

The IRS is proposing regulations that will give the tax agency authority to restrict the American Family Association and other groups from releasing voter guides and other election information that provide valuable decision-making details for voters.

The IRS is limiting AFA and others who organize voter guides, legislative scorecards, get-out-the-vote campaigns, and even voter registration activities by defining such civic engagement as candidate-related political activity.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: IRS and Elections
Discussed by Bryan Fischer
with American Family Association

Many, including AFA, believe these rules are an attempt to shut down conservative organizations like AFA, Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, and the Tea Party.

Surprise! The propose rules would not touch favorite liberal organizations! That’s why our newsletter, the LINK Letter, is a for-profit newspaper.

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May 20, 2010

Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Bryan Fischer
with American Family Association

Bryan Fischer, The Director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy with the American Family Association, continues on the subject of deportation vs. amnesty. We are Christians first and Americans second.

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Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Bryan Fischer
with American Family Association

On the other hand….What is a Christian to do when he encounters illegal immigrants in his home? Another example is: a mother and father are both unemployed and can’t receive any temporary assistance from the government but the illegal immigrants in the house next door do. Month after month. What is your opinion? Visit for more.

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