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August 7, 2018

Title: Your Job is your Ministry
Topic: Work and Ministry
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Part 1 of 2

Luke10:2 “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

The issue at hand today is: What are you doing to share the Gospel every day? Serving full-time in ministry is great and we need many people around the globe who are willing to share the Gospel in this manner. But those of us who have full-time jobs can be doing God’s work, too, right in our own office buildings!

Robert Dickie is the President of Crown Financial Ministries. He believes that some people just aren’t cut out for full-time ministry. “We have a generation of leaders who have encouraged members of their congregation to go into full-time ministry to serve the Lord forgetting that the very place where they could serve is in the business world,” Mr. Dickie says.

There are many Scripture references which describe the “real jobs” of people who ministered for the Kingdom. Listen in as Robert Dickie discusses these and why we should use them as guidance in our own lives. “However God has called us, as long as we are in alignment, that’s where we are going to make the biggest impact,” he says.

Robert also believes there is an opportunity many people bypass out of fear: starting their own business. He does warn that not everyone can handle this type of endeavor, but those who can should! Yes, even in this troubled economy! Imagine the impact you could have on thousands of people, if not more, simply by supplying a service.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Your Job is your Ministry
Topic: Work and Ministry
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Robert Dickie believes that those in full-time ministry are essential to the Kingdom of God. We need people across the globe ministering to the needy and those who would otherwise never hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. In fact, Robert’s father has been a Baptist preacher for nearly forty years! He knows the importance of ministers and missionaries and non-profits.

However, the problem lies in people who, with the best intentions, are not really called into ministry by God, but by feelings. “Many people go into ministry with this idea that working for a non-profit is a utopian environment of helping others and happiness,” Robert says. Oftentimes, working for a non-profit or other ministry is more difficult and more stressful than a job in the private sector!

So, how can you make a difference? First, Robert Dickie encourages us to be good stewards of the money God has given us. Yes, tithe. Give sacrificially back to God and also to others. Listen in as Robert describes the sad reality that hundreds of missionaries are being sent home because they do not have the money to continue their work.

We can also be bold at work, proclaiming Christ’s love through our words and actions. It is important to show others who we are and what we believe in our daily activities. “It is not just about profits; it’s about impacting the community,” Robert says.

Click [here]  to order a copy of Robert Dickies’ newest book, “THE LEAP – Launching your Full-Time Career in our Part-Time Economy.”

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December 13, 2016

Title: Lessons from the Widow
Topic: Money and the Bible
Discussed by Chuck Bentley
with Crown Financial Ministries (

“The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, ‘Your servant, my husband, is dead, and you know that he revered the LORD. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.’ ” 2 Kings 4:1 (NIV)

This is, unfortunately, a scenario which is repeated far too often today. No, your children won’t necessarily be taken away from you, but your house, car, savings, and all your possessions may be.

Chuck Bentley, with Crown Financial Ministries, is here to talk about the lessons we can all learn from the sad, awful story and how God carried her and her sons through – and He will do the same for you.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Chuck Bentley choose this story to relay the importance of money management?

What lessons can be learned from this story?

What is the Number 1 fear of women?

Do you have a will? Whether you are 25 with one small child or 65 with grown children and a few grands, you need a will. Listen in as Terry and Chuck discusses why it is so important that every person, whether single, married, old, or young, should have a will.

What was the outcome of the widow’s plea?

Use the CONTACT LINK on our Homepage if you or someone you know could benefit from a FREE will, written and authorized by a team of lawyers. We will make the arrangements and contact you when the day and time is scheduled.

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December 29, 2015

Title: Your Job is your Ministry
Topic: Work and Ministry
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Part 1 of 2

Luke 2:10 “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

The issue at hand today is: What are you doing to share the Gospel every day? Serving full-time in ministry is great and we need many people around the globe who are willing to share the Gospel in this manner. But those of us who have full-time jobs can be doing God’s work, too, right in our own office buildings!

Robert Dickie is the President of Crown Financial Ministries. He believes that some people just aren’t cut out for full-time ministry. “We have a generation of leaders who have encouraged members of their congregation to go into full-time ministry to serve the Lord forgetting that the very place where they could serve is in the business world,” Mr. Dickie says.

There are many Scripture references which describe the “real jobs” of people who ministered for the Kingdom. Listen in as Robert Dickie discusses these and why we should use them as guidance in our own lives. “However God has called us, as long as we are in alignment, that’s where we are going to make the biggest impact,” he says.

Robert also believes there is an opportunity many people bypass out of fear: starting their own business. He does warn that not everyone can handle this type of endeavor, but those who can should! Yes, even in this troubled economy! Imagine the impact you could have on thousands of people, if not more, simply by supplying a service.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Your Job is your Ministry
Topic: Work and Ministry
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Robert Dickie believes that those in full-time ministry are essential to the Kingdom of God. We need people across the globe ministering to the needy and those who would otherwise never hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. In fact, Robert’s father has been a Baptist preacher for nearly forty years! He knows the importance of ministers and missionaries and non-profits.

However, the problem lies in people who, with the best intentions, are not really called into ministry by God, but by feelings. “Many people go into ministry with this idea that working for a non-profit is a utopian environment of helping others and happiness,” Robert says. Oftentimes, working for a non-profit or other ministry is more difficult and more stressful than a job in the private sector!

So, how can you make a difference? First, Robert Dickie encourages us to be good stewards of the money God has given us. Yes, tithe. Give sacrificially back to God and also to others. Listen in as Robert describes the sad reality that hundreds of missionaries are being sent home because they do not have the money to continue their work.

We can also be bold at work, proclaiming Christ’s love through our words and actions. It is important to show others who we are and what we believe in our daily activities. “It is not just about profits; it’s about impacting the community,” Robert says.

Click [here]  to order a copy of Robert Dickies’ newest book, “THE LEAP – Launching your Full-Time Career in our Part-Time Economy.”

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December 11, 2015

Title: Your Job is your Ministry
Topic: Work and Ministry
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Part 1 of 2

Luke 2:10 “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

The issue at hand today is: What are you doing to share the Gospel every day? Serving full-time in ministry is great and we need many people around the globe who are willing to share the Gospel in this manner. But those of us who have full-time jobs can be doing God’s work, too, right in our own office buildings!

Robert Dickie is the President of Crown Financial Ministries. He believes that some people just aren’t cut out for full-time ministry. “We have a generation of leaders who have encouraged members of their congregation to go into full-time ministry to serve the Lord forgetting that the very place where they could serve is in the business world,” Mr. Dickie says.

There are many Scripture references which describe the “real jobs” of people who ministered for the Kingdom. Listen in as Robert Dickie discusses these and why we should use them as guidance in our own lives. “However God has called us, as long as we are in alignment, that’s where we are going to make the biggest impact,” he says.

Robert also believes there is an opportunity many people bypass out of fear: starting their own business. He does warn that not everyone can handle this type of endeavor, but those who can should! Yes, even in this troubled economy! Imagine the impact you could have on thousands of people, if not more, simply by supplying a service.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Your Job is your Ministry
Topic: Work and Ministry
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Robert Dickie believes that those in full-time ministry are essential to the Kingdom of God. We need people across the globe ministering to the needy and those who would otherwise never hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. In fact, Robert’s father has been a Baptist preacher for nearly forty years! He knows the importance of ministers and missionaries and non-profits.

However, the problem lies in people who, with the best intentions, are not really called into ministry by God, but by feelings. “Many people go into ministry with this idea that working for a non-profit is a utopian environment of helping others and happiness,” Robert says. Oftentimes, working for a non-profit or other ministry is more difficult and more stressful than a job in the private sector!

So, how can you make a difference? First, Robert Dickie encourages us to be good stewards of the money God has given us. Yes, tithe. Give sacrificially back to God and also to others. Listen in as Robert describes the sad reality that hundreds of missionaries are being sent home because they do not have the money to continue their work.

We can also be bold at work, proclaiming Christ’s love through our words and actions. It is important to show others who we are and what we believe in our daily activities. “It is not just about profits; it’s about impacting the community,” Robert says.

Click [here]  to order a copy of Robert Dickies’ newest book, “THE LEAP – Launching your Full-Time Career in our Part-Time Economy.”

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October 28, 2015

Title: Your Job is your Ministry
Topic: Work and Ministry
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Part 1 of 2

Luke 2:10 “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

The issue at hand today is: What are you doing to share the Gospel every day? Serving full-time in ministry is great and we need many people around the globe who are willing to share the Gospel in this manner. But those of us who have full-time jobs can be doing God’s work, too, right in our own office buildings!

Robert Dickie is the President of Crown Financial Ministries. He believes that some people just aren’t cut out for full-time ministry. “We have a generation of leaders who have encouraged members of their congregation to go into full-time ministry to serve the Lord forgetting that the very place where they could serve is in the business world,” Mr. Dickie says.

There are many Scripture references which describe the “real jobs” of people who ministered for the Kingdom. Listen in as Robert Dickie discusses these and why we should use them as guidance in our own lives. “However God has called us, as long as we are in alignment, that’s where we are going to make the biggest impact,” he says.

Robert also believes there is an opportunity many people bypass out of fear: starting their own business. He does warn that not everyone can handle this type of endeavor, but those who can should! Yes, even in this troubled economy! Imagine the impact you could have on thousands of people, if not more, simply by supplying a service.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Your Job is your Ministry
Topic: Work and Ministry
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Robert Dickie believes that those in full-time ministry are essential to the Kingdom of God. We need people across the globe ministering to the needy and those who would otherwise never hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. In fact, Robert’s father has been a Baptist preacher for nearly forty years! He knows the importance of ministers and missionaries and non-profits.

However, the problem lies in people who, with the best intentions, are not really called into ministry by God, but by feelings. “Many people go into ministry with this idea that working for a non-profit is a utopian environment of helping others and happiness,” Robert says. Oftentimes, working for a non-profit or other ministry is more difficult and more stressful than a job in the private sector!

So, how can you make a difference? First, Robert Dickie encourages us to be good stewards of the money God has given us. Yes, tithe. Give sacrificially back to God and also to others. Listen in as Robert describes the sad reality that hundreds of missionaries are being sent home because they do not have the money to continue their work.

We can also be bold at work, proclaiming Christ’s love through our words and actions. It is important to show others who we are and what we believe in our daily activities. “It is not just about profits; it’s about impacting the community,” Robert says.

Click [here]  to order a copy of Robert Dickies’ newest book, “THE LEAP – Launching your Full-Time Career in our Part-Time Economy.”

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September 17, 2015

Title: Is China Headed for a Recession?
Topic: China
Discussed by Chuck Bentley
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Part 1 of 2

Although many products are now made in China, their ever-expanding economy is not helping them. In fact, their economy is crashing – hard. Chuck Bentley is the President and CEO of Crown Financial Ministries. CFM has had a team working in China for over a decade, teaching business leaders in major cities key financial principals from the late Larry Burkett’s book, “Business by the Book”. Chuck Bentley reveals how this book and its principals have literally caught fire in China, helping people learn why it is important to do business the right way the first time.

Chuck is not the only person who believes China is headed for a downfall; many other economists and financial experts are now shouting the same warning. China has had over forty years of growth and now they are experiencing a plateau. Chuck also discusses how China may have been too eager to buy debt from America. Did this contribute to their current economic state?

Yet another issue in danger of collapse due to the downfall of the Chinese economy is employment – in America! But how is this possible? Chuck says, “Since 2008, 30% of the world’s economic growth has occurred because of China’s economy. When that economy starts to contract it will effect everybody.” 

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is China Headed for a Recession?
Topic: China
Discussed by Chuck Bentley
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Chuck believes that the current situation in China is the most dire the world is facing. Their downward financial spiral will affect the entire world. The late Larry Burkett, the founder of Crown Financial Ministries, referenced this Proverb often: “The wise man sees danger and seeks refuge”. We protect our families from physical danger; likewise, we should protect them from financial ruin. The same goes for the government.

Chuck offers three suggestions for this. First, we’re a nation of high debt and low savings, both in government and our families. China is the exact opposite. Most families in China save three times more than the average family in America. We must, as families, communities, cities, and a nation, start saving more than we spend. Listen in as Chuck explains his two other suggestions for families and the government.

Chuck also describes the difficulties he and others have sharing the Gospel in China. Please pray for Christians in China. Pray that God’s Word will be spread far and wide in the country and that it will reach the leader’s ears.

Chuck’s book, “The Worst Financial Mistakes in the Bible and How You can Avoid Them”,  highlights some of the worst mistakes made by both heroes and villains of the Bible, the consequences they faced, and what you can do to avoid falling into these same traps. Order your copy today!

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April 15, 2015

Title: Owning a Business as a Christian
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Part 1 of 2

Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about business? How should we act as owners? How should we behave as employees? More importantly, how should we treat those less fortunate than we are?

Bob Dickie is the President of Crown Financial Ministries, which produces My Money Life, a vignette we play daily on the What’s UP Radio Program. Bob is also an author, speaker, and conference leader. He is preparing for a new event for Christian business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs on “How to Build a Business that Cares for the Least of These”.

Many people are experiencing financial difficulties, especially small business owners. It might be hard to want to help those who are less fortunate than we are for fear of losing our livelihood. Bob Dickie says, “We live in a culture of self-centeredness, fueled by greed. When that happens, the least of these get forgotten.” Listen in as he discusses this and gives some great advice straight from the Bible. “God owns your business. You are merely the steward.”

At the beginning of each day, fall on your knees and ask God for wisdom. “It’s okay to strive for success, but you don’t want to violate Biblical principals in that process,” Bob Dickie says. And remember: Employees are people, too. They are the life-blood of any business. They deserve to be treated with respect. Listen in to the next segment with Bob as he elaborates on why it is important to take care of your employees.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Owning a Business as a Christian
Topic: Christian Business Owners and Freedom of Religion
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Lack of a good work ethic is one of the most frequent complaints that Bob Dickie hears from business owners concerning their employees. His council to employees is to “always do your best and always treat your employer with respect.” Your character will prove itself and you will rise to the top. No matter what your job description is, always be ready to do more. Employees, your attitude should be “What can I do that you don’t want to do?”

Finally, Bob Dickie discusses George Bailey, who is the banker in the classic Christmas movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” and the bankruptcy of Enron. Why is the “Golden Rule” such an important lesson to learn? Companies that thrive follow Biblical principles, plain and simple. “They honor God and keep Him first, doing things according to scripture,” Bob says. “God’s principles change everything, not just for this lifetime, but for eternity.

Bob has a new book out, “The Leap”, that you can order [here].

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January 1, 2015

Title: Biblical Thinking Should Impact Our Economic Life: Thou Shalt Not Covet
Topic: Biblical Principles
Discussed by Chuck Bentley
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Biblical thinking should impact our daily life – our family, jobs, and even the government. How many times have you said something, not giving it a second thought, only to realize later that it was actually quit unbiblical?

Today, Chuck Bentley, the President and CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, talks about the sin of “coveting”. Former NBA star Charles Barkley recently drew national attention with his candid comments referring to the envy between ‘successful blacks’ and others in the community, referring to ‘crabs in a barrel’. Mr. Barkley was referring to an African Proverb – “Put one crab in a pot and it will escape. Put two crabs in a pot and neither will escape.”

Listen in as Chuck Bentley discusses this Proverb, why humans were created by God, the economy, and being financially wise.
Chuck says this: “Biblical Principles are timeless. They never go out of style.”

For more on Crown Financial Ministries, log on to

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December 31, 2014

Title: Biblical Thinking Should Impact Our Economic Life: Thou Shalt Not Covet
Topic: Biblical Principles
Discussed by Chuck Bentley
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Biblical thinking should impact our daily life – our family, jobs, and even the government. How many times have you said something, not giving it a second thought, only to realize later that it was actually quit unbiblical?

Today, Chuck Bentley, the President and CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, talks about the sin of “coveting”. Former NBA star Charles Barkley recently drew national attention with his candid comments referring to the envy between ‘successful blacks’ and others in the community, referring to ‘crabs in a barrel’. Mr. Barkley was referring to an African Proverb – “Put one crab in a pot and it will escape. Put two crabs in a pot and neither will escape.”

Listen in as Chuck Bentley discusses this Proverb, why humans were created by God, the economy, and being financially wise.
Chuck says this: “Biblical Principles are timeless. They never go out of style.”

For more on Crown Financial Ministries, log on to

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November 18, 2014

Title: Biblical Thinking Should Impact Our Economic Life: Thou Shalt Not Covet
Topic: Biblical Principles
Discussed by Chuck Bentley
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Biblical thinking should impact our daily life – our family, jobs, and even the government. How many times have you said something, not giving it a second thought, only to realize later that it was actually quit unbiblical?

Today, Chuck Bentley, the President and CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, talks about the sin of “coveting”. Former NBA star Charles Barkley recently drew national attention with his candid comments referring to the envy between ‘successful blacks’ and others in the community, referring to ‘crabs in a barrel’. Mr. Barkley was referring to an African Proverb – “Put one crab in a pot and it will escape. Put two crabs in a pot and neither will escape.”

Listen in as Chuck Bentley discusses this Proverb, why humans were created by God, the economy, and being financially wise.
Chuck says this: “Biblical Principles are timeless. They never go out of style.”

For more on Crown Financial Ministries, log on to

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August 5, 2014

Title: Would Jesus be Impressed with your Resume?
Topic: Career Advice
Discussed by Bob Dickie
with Crown Financial Ministries (

What would Jesus see on your resume? Would he be proud of your accomplishments?

Robert Dickie is the President of Crown Financial Ministries. He says that when you’re looking for what to include on your resume in this current, job-poor economy, a book you may not have considered has some great advice -- The Bible.

Sometimes your greatest accomplishments are not bound to your career field.

Listen in as Robert explains.

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December 11, 2012

Title: Is a Phony Fix in the Works?
Topic: Fiscal Cliff
Discussed by Chuck Bentley
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Part 1 of 2

Time is up. Washington must do something. Taxes will probably be raised - and not just for the super-rich but also White collar, blue collar, even those in poverty will suffer.

Chuck Bentley is the CEO of Crown Financial Ministries. He gives some tips on how you and your family can start saving money NOW in preparation for the higher taxes that are right around the corner. Even Christmas saving tips!

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Title: The Bbbbbbbbb Word!
Topic: Fiscal Cliff
Discussed by Chuck Bentley
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Part 2 of 2

Chuck Bentley says every family must have a bbbbbbbbb-budget. Obamacare taxes are looming.

Some companies are cutting back on hours to avoid health care costs. Family debt is increasing at a rapid rate. Although the cost of gas is decreasing, it is still much higher than many people can comfortably afford. We are dangling by one finger off the fiscal cliff. So, what can you and your families do to prepare?

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November 1, 2010

Title: Help, Hope and Insight for Troubled Times
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Howard Mitchell
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Segment 1 of 3

Most of our listeners are living from pay check to pay check. Crown Ministries offers help, hope and insight through group lessons at churches and individually. Find a coach at

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Title: Howard Mitchell, the Houston Area Director, continues with Money Management in Hard Times
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Howard Mitchell
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Segment 2 of 3

We do not allow the “B” word on this program – BUDGET. So we use the term “Spending Plan”. Find hope, help and insight and a coach at

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Title: Living in a very affluent society, do most Christians understand Bible Principles in regards to Money Management?
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Howard Mitchell
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Segment 3 of 3

Many of us have found ourselves without a job at different times in our lives. How should we cope? How should we go forward? How can we prepare for the future? Everyone can find help, hope and insight and a coach, if needed, at

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