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January 30, 2014

Title: Free Breakfast Program
Topic: Tax Dollars at Work
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

Part 1 of 2

Most Texans are unaware that the largest portion of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s funding consists of approximately $1.9 billion in federal pass-through funds for the national school lunch program. An additional $60 million in pass-through funds are spent for summer feeding programs and $292 million for child and adult day care feeding programs.

Some of this is money well-spent; some is wasteful. Eric Opiela, candidate for Texas Agriculture Commissioner, sheds some light on this sensitive issue.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Tax Dollars at Work
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

Free lunch programs come with a host of federal requirements on local school districts, county governments, and other meal providers, some of which unreasonably restrict parents and local school boards from adopting local control on foods and beverages served in schools.

Eric Opiela vows to restore local control of our schools and will vigorously pursue changes to federal regulations regarding in-classroom foods, school beverages, and nutritional guidelines. For more on Eric and his campaign for Texas Agriculture Commissioner, log on to

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January 2, 2014

Title: Christmas, the EPA, and America the Beautiful
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

Part 1 of 3

The Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons are a time meant for family, faith, and friends. The goons in WDC know this and use the distractions to their advantage every year.

This year, the EPA proposed water regulations that would give them oversight over public and private lakes, ponds, streams across the nation. Did anyone even know about this? Eric Opiela, candidate for Texas Agriculture Commissioner, says: “That’s not happening on my watch!

Listen in…

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Title: Wetlands Classifications Can Take Away Your Rights
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

Part 2 of 3

What is the “Wetland Classification” and how does it allow the EPA to take away land from honest citizens?

Listen in as Eric explains.

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Title: How Important is the Texas Farming and Ranching Industry?
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

Part 3 of 3

Eric Opiela shares his vision for the future of Texas and how he plans to stop the EPA.

For more on Eric, log on to

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September 4, 2013

Title: Water Crisis Across Texas
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

Part 1 of 2

Does Texas have a pending water crisis?

Eric Opiela discusses the role he would play if elected as the next Texas Agriculture Commissioner in regards to dealing with and solving our water crisis.

Without water, there will be no more growth in Texas.

Listen in.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

The Texas Agriculture Commissioner affects every Texan, but how does the Agriculture Commissioner oversee the safety of fruits and vegetables and meat items that Texans consume every day?

How does the horny-toad, the flea-flicking-flea-fly, or even the common spotted skunk affect industry, agriculture and consumers in Texas? Can Texas build another lake?

Listen in.

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