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September 3, 2019

Title: Back to School Tips
Topic: Back To School Information
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

It’s back to school time! With the rare exception for some schools in Texas, most kids have started back to school by now. How are you dealing with this, parents?

If you need some advice, Eric Buehrer has some great tips! Eric is the Founder and President of Gateways to Better Education. More information on religious freedom on public school campuses can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should parents and students be aware of their religious rights while attending a public school?

Is spiritual discernment critical in today’s modern world? Eric discusses predict and pre-teach.

Why should parents pray for their child’s teachers?

How often should parents express their gratitude toward their child’s teachers? HINT: As often as you can!! Eric discusses “relational activism” …

Are students allowed to pray individually AND collectively while on a public school campus?

In addition to teachers, do school administrators and other staff need our prayers, as well?

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September 2, 2019

Title: Back to School Tips
Topic: Back To School Information
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

It’s back to school time! With the rare exception for some schools in Texas, most kids have started back to school by now. How are you dealing with this, parents?

If you need some advice, Eric Buehrer has some great tips! Eric is the Founder and President of Gateways to Better Education. More information on religious freedom on public school campuses can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should parents and students be aware of their religious rights while attending a public school?

Is spiritual discernment critical in today’s modern world? Eric discusses predict and pre-teach.

Why should parents pray for their child’s teachers?

How often should parents express their gratitude toward their child’s teachers? HINT: As often as you can!! Eric discusses “relational activism” …

Are students allowed to pray individually AND collectively while on a public school campus?

In addition to teachers, do school administrators and other staff need our prayers, as well?

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August 20, 2019

Title: Say Goodbye to Back to School Stress
Topic: Back To School Information
Discussed by Erin Smalley
with Focus on the Family

According to the New York Times,  the back to school season is the most stressful time of the year for most parents – not just their kids.

Erin Smalley is a Clinical Psychologist, mom of four, and the Strategic Marriage Spokesperson for Focus on the Family. Erin has some encouragement and advice for parents today…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the back to school season more stressful than Christmas?

How can we avoid being overwhelmed? Erin Smalley says it’s okay to ask for help! We all need help from time to time, so don’t be shy about asking for it!

How can parents take positive action to better cope with our stress? How do we keep our stress from boiling over onto our kids and our spouses?

What is the most stressful hour of the weekday for parents? What has helped Erin and her family during this hour?

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July 26, 2013

Title: Twelve Ways To Save on Back To School Shopping.
Topic: Back To School Information
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Part 1 of 3

Back-to-School Shopping hit a record $689 per family last year for items like clothing, school supplies, and electronics. This year the National Retail Federation predicts spending to be less per family – down to an estimated $635 per family.

Stacy discusses many ways to save, such as:

        1. Start at home – take inventory of supplies in the house
        2. Make a list of what you need. Best to make this list with your student. Stick to the list when shopping and resist buying items not on the list
        3. If you have made a list, set a budget. Teach your student to stay within the budget. Think about rewarding your student with any money left over as a reward for wise shopping.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Back To School Information
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Back-to-School Shopping hit a record $689 per family last year for items like clothing, school supplies, and electronics. This year the National Retail Federation predicts spending to be less per family – down to an estimated $635 per family.

Stacy discusses many ways to save, such as:

4. Shop at thrift stores or garage sales (in rich neighborhoods)
5. If needed, some churches and Christian radio stations give
    out new back-packs stuffed with school supplies
6. Before shopping, comparison shop
7. Look for coupons

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Back To School Information
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Back-to-School Shopping hit a record $689 per family last year for items like clothing, school supplies, and electronics. This year the National Retail Federation predicts spending to be less per family – down to an estimated $635 per family.

Stacy discusses more ways to save, such as:

8. Buy in bulk – if it makes sense
9. Wait until the last minute – stores who overstocked will have good sales
10. Shop on Tax Free Days – in Texas tax free days are Friday, August 9 through
        Sunday, August 11
11. Swap with friends - especially if you home school.
12. When buying stick to the basics. Teach your young shopper to buy the generic
        tennis shoes and jeans and tops if they are on a budget.

This is a good time to let them keep their savings and become “What a Teachable Moment”.

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