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May 26, 2015

Title: How to Save $100 This Week
Topic: Money Saving Tips by Stacy Johnson
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Want to save $100 this week? Stacy Johnson, with Money Talks News, says to save your change and ride the bus as often as possible. Stop eating out so much and skip the expensive movie, opting for Netflix or Redbox. Cancel your gym membership and find free workout programs. Only use cash and try to save $20 a day.

Call your cell phone and electric companies to see how you can save on your monthly bills. Also do the same with your car, home, and life insurance policies. You’d be surprised at how much you can save by raising your deductible or canceling a portion of your unneeded coverage.

Stacy also suggests that you begin tracking your everyday expenses – down to the $1.00 candy bar you bought at 2 pm yesterday for an afternoon pick-me-up.

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February 26, 2015

Title: Getting More from Social Security
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Part 1 of 3

The next three segments are important for every person to listen to, no matter your age. In this crazy and uncertain economy, the majority of us are planning ahead, saving for retirement (if there is such a thing anymore). We have a 401K. We save so much out of every paycheck.

But did you know that you can make money from Social Security NOW? Stacy Johnson, with Money Talks News, has sixteen (16) ways to benefit from Social Security BEFORE you retire. First, he says, “It’s important to pay attention to your Social Security benefits starting at an early age.” The next thing that is essential is working the maximum number of years possible. Listen in as he explains why!

Stacy also suggests that you examine your family history when you contemplate what age to retire. Have many people in your family died at an early age? Or have they lived long, healthy lifetimes? Why does this matter? Stacy gives a personal story of why this should be considered as well.

NOTE: Please do not construe any information discussed in this segment as legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact a Social Security Tax Attorney or click [here]  for more information.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Getting More from Social Security
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Stacy Johnson continues to discuss sixteen (16) ways to maximum the amount of benefits you can receive from Social Security. In the first segment, he gave some non-legal advice on how long you should work, when to start applying for benefits, and why you should check on your benefits frequently.

What if your spouse was a “home manager” and did not work or worked very little outside the home? Should they just go ahead and collect at the earliest possible age or wait to collect half of the working spouse’s benefits? If this is all making your eyes glaze over, listen in as Stacy explains in a simple way how this type of situations is best played out.

Stacy believes that one of the best ways to maximize your Social Security benefits is to use a legal service. This is their job: to get you the most money for your retirement. One great company is Social Security Choices found [here].   You can use the coupon code “moneytalks” for a $10 savings.

PLEASE NOTE: The audio interview mentioned an incorrect website. Please use the one linked [here].

NOTE: Please do not construe any information discussed in this segment as legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact a Social Security Tax Attorney or click [here]  for more information.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Getting More from Social Security
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Stacy Johnson, the money-saving guru, says that even he gets confused about Social Security benefits and the when, the how, and the what if’s. It’s not an easy thing to master! But don’t let that stop you from researching how to maximize your benefits. Social Security tax attorneys are there to help you and most are fairly inexpensive.

In this final segment, Stacy talks about the importance of paying off debt before filing for Social Security benefits and retiring. You also have to watch out for those pesky taxes. Yes, taxes! Stacy gives the details about this little known fact, too.

Singles and couples alike must be aware of how much you make, and make sure your income is increasing as you get closer to retirement age. Check out the helpful links [here].

PLEASE NOTE: The audio interview mentioned an incorrect website. Please use the one linked [here].

NOTE: Please do not construe any information discussed in this segment as legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact a Social Security Tax Attorney or click [here]  for more information.

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August 26, 2014

Title: How to Save $100 This Week
Topic: Money Saving Tips by Stacy Johnson
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Want to save $100 this week? Stacy Johnson, with Money Talks News, says to save your change and ride the bus as often as possible. Stop eating out so much and skip the expensive movie, opting for Netflix or Redbox. Cancel your gym membership and find free workout programs. Only use cash and try to save $20 a day.

Call your cell phone and electric companies to see how you can save on your monthly bills. Also do the same with your car, home, and life insurance policies. You’d be surprised at how much you can save by raising your deductible or canceling a portion of your unneeded coverage.

Stacy also suggests that you begin tracking your everyday expenses – down to the $1.00 candy bar you bought at 2 pm yesterday for an afternoon pick-me-up.

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July 25, 2014

Title: How to Save $100 This Week
Topic: Money Saving Tips by Stacy Johnson
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Want to save $100 this week? Stacy Johnson, with Money Talks News, says to save your change and ride the bus as often as possible. Stop eating out so much and skip the expensive movie, opting for Netflix or Redbox. Cancel your gym membership and find free workout programs. Only use cash and try to save $20 a day.

Call your cell phone and electric companies to see how you can save on your monthly bills. Also do the same with your car, home, and life insurance policies. You’d be surprised at how much you can save by raising your deductible or canceling a portion of your unneeded coverage.

Stacy also suggests that you begin tracking your everyday expenses – down to the $1.00 candy bar you bought at 2 pm yesterday for an afternoon pick-me-up.

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July 22, 2014

Title: How to Save $100 This Week
Topic: Money Saving Tips by Stacy Johnson
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Want to save $100 this week? Stacy Johnson, with Money Talks News, says to save your change and ride the bus as often as possible. Stop eating out so much and skip the expensive movie, opting for Netflix or Redbox. Cancel your gym membership and find free workout programs. Only use cash and try to save $20 a day.

Call your cell phone and electric companies to see how you can save on your monthly bills. Also do the same with your car, home, and life insurance policies. You’d be surprised at how much you can save by raising your deductible or canceling a portion of your unneeded coverage.

Stacy also suggests that you begin tracking your everyday expenses – down to the $1.00 candy bar you bought at 2 pm yesterday for an afternoon pick-me-up.

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July 8, 2014

Title: How to Save $100 This Week
Topic: Money Saving Tips by Stacy Johnson
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Want to save $100 this week? Stacy Johnson, with Money Talks News, says to save your change and ride the bus as often as possible. Stop eating out so much and skip the expensive movie, opting for Netflix or Redbox. Cancel your gym membership and find free workout programs. Only use cash and try to save $20 a day.

Call your cell phone and electric companies to see how you can save on your monthly bills. Also do the same with your car, home, and life insurance policies. You’d be surprised at how much you can save by raising your deductible or canceling a portion of your unneeded coverage.

Stacy also suggests that you begin tracking your everyday expenses – down to the $1.00 candy bar you bought at 2 pm yesterday for an afternoon pick-me-up.

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June 23, 2014

Title: How to Save $100 This Week
Topic: Money Saving Tips by Stacy Johnson
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Want to save $100 this week? Stacy Johnson, with Money Talks News, says to save your change and ride the bus as often as possible. Stop eating out so much and skip the expensive movie, opting for Netflix or Redbox. Cancel your gym membership and find free workout programs. Only use cash and try to save $20 a day.

Call your cell phone and electric companies to see how you can save on your monthly bills. Also do the same with your car, home, and life insurance policies. You’d be surprised at how much you can save by raising your deductible or canceling a portion of your unneeded coverage.

Stacy also suggests that you begin tracking your everyday expenses – down to the $1.00 candy bar you bought at 2 pm yesterday for an afternoon pick-me-up.

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November 18, 2013

Title: Six Smart Tips When Donating to Charity
Topic: Donating to Charity
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Part 1 of 2

During November and December many people increase their charitable giving. If you don’t already have a charity you give to regularly, Stacy Johnson is here to give some tips on how to choose one that fits your needs, won’t rip you off, and doesn’t give too much of your hard-earned money to the big-wigs of the non-profit.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Donating to Charity
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Once you have given money to one charity, you will probably begin receiving solicitations from others. Although it might be tempting to give a little to several different charities, it’s best if you stick with just one. Your money will go a lot farther in one company than divided among two or three.

Stacy Johnson also warns listeners not to donate any money over the telephone. Why not? Listen in as he explains.

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November 6, 2013

Title: Is it Worth It?
Topic: How to Manage Your Money
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Part 1 of 2

Traveling by airplane has become more cumbersome – and expensive – in recent years. There is a fee for this. There is a fee for that. There are fees for things they haven’t even thought of yet!

Stacy Johnson, with Money Talks News, gives some tips of saving money when flying.

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Title: part 2 of 2
Topic: How to Manage Your Money
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Does anyone really read the fine print on insurance agreements when they purchase airline tickets? If you become ill and need to cancel or reschedule your flight, the amount of hoops you must jump through and the amount of blood you must donate (only just joking) is outrageous. It’s enough to make your head spin!

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July 26, 2013

Title: Twelve Ways To Save on Back To School Shopping.
Topic: Back To School Information
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Part 1 of 3

Back-to-School Shopping hit a record $689 per family last year for items like clothing, school supplies, and electronics. This year the National Retail Federation predicts spending to be less per family – down to an estimated $635 per family.

Stacy discusses many ways to save, such as:

        1. Start at home – take inventory of supplies in the house
        2. Make a list of what you need. Best to make this list with your student. Stick to the list when shopping and resist buying items not on the list
        3. If you have made a list, set a budget. Teach your student to stay within the budget. Think about rewarding your student with any money left over as a reward for wise shopping.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Back To School Information
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Back-to-School Shopping hit a record $689 per family last year for items like clothing, school supplies, and electronics. This year the National Retail Federation predicts spending to be less per family – down to an estimated $635 per family.

Stacy discusses many ways to save, such as:

4. Shop at thrift stores or garage sales (in rich neighborhoods)
5. If needed, some churches and Christian radio stations give
    out new back-packs stuffed with school supplies
6. Before shopping, comparison shop
7. Look for coupons

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Back To School Information
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Back-to-School Shopping hit a record $689 per family last year for items like clothing, school supplies, and electronics. This year the National Retail Federation predicts spending to be less per family – down to an estimated $635 per family.

Stacy discusses more ways to save, such as:

8. Buy in bulk – if it makes sense
9. Wait until the last minute – stores who overstocked will have good sales
10. Shop on Tax Free Days – in Texas tax free days are Friday, August 9 through
        Sunday, August 11
11. Swap with friends - especially if you home school.
12. When buying stick to the basics. Teach your young shopper to buy the generic
        tennis shoes and jeans and tops if they are on a budget.

This is a good time to let them keep their savings and become “What a Teachable Moment”.

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June 11, 2013

Title: If You Walk Into a Hotel and Pay the Asking Price – Are You Paying Too Much?
Topic: Money Saving Tips by Stacy Johnson
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Part 1 of 3

Today we discuss Ten Money Savings Tips for recent grads, all other listeners, and even myself. I am proof that you can teach old dogs new tricks. Save money…spend less…have a plan…

If I walk into a hotel and pay the asking price, am I paying too much? What can you ask when you check in? Are there upgrades available such as free meals, free snacks, free internet connections? Stacy asks for a better deal three times. How does he do it? Listen in, will you have the guts to ask for the “Elvis Suite”?

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Title: Ten Money Missteps We All Need To Know
Topic: Money Saving Tips by Stacy Johnson
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Part 2 of 3

Should we buy ‘things’ on credit if it is going to immediately lose value? Stacy says, “No!”

Borrow as little as possible and remember the “Rule of 59” - if you make $60, only spend $59. Always save a little because the rainy day will happen!

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Title: Will Money Buy Happiness?
Topic: Money Saving Tips by Stacy Johnson
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Part 3 of 3

Stacy answers the question: “Does money buy happiness?”

Let’s all slow down, take a breath, and evaluate where we are. No one will take a U-Haul to heaven. So really, what’s important in your life today? Only you can answer this question. Only work as hard as required to pay for you and yours and only the needed toys. Then stop working and make memories with your family and friends.

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May 15, 2013

Title: Tickets and Your Insurance Rate
Topic: Money Minute
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Part 1 of 3

Getting pulled over for a traffic violation is not a fun experience. It’s nerve-racking and embarrassing. Then you get home and realize “How much is this going to cost? And how is this ticket going to affect my insurance rate?”

Stacy Johnson, with Money Minute, has some advice for you!

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Money Minute
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

There are several ways to prevent a rate hike in your car insurance after you have received a traffic citation. One is to go to court and contest the ticket. Another is to hire an attorney, which can cost around $80, depending on where you live.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Money Minute
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Another way to contest a traffic citation is to go to traffic “school”. I know, I know, I know…no one wants to give up a Saturday to sit in a classroom full of “traffic criminals”, but just think of the benefit to your insurance rate in the future.

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September 21, 2011

Title: During this tough economic times, what five things you should not trim?
Topic: Money Minute
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Part 1 of 2

Stacy Johnson, with Money Talks News, produces 60-second updates on how to make it through these tough economic times and how to trim your budget.  He has been doing this for over 20 years.

They send out daily updates which are free. That’s spelled: "F.R.E.E"!  He also discusses that you should not cut back on car maintenance and on ways to save money on car insurance.

In this segment he also discusses ways to get more miles-per-gallon out of each gallon of gas you buy.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Money Minute
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Stacy Johnson, with Money Talks News, produces 60-second updates on how to make it through these tough economic times and how to trim your budget.  He has been doing this for over 20 years. They send out daily updates and are free. That’s spelled: "F.R.E.E."!

In this segment we discuss ways to save on health insurance, home owners insurance and how to use credit.

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