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March 15, 2016

Title: War on Facts, Not Women
Topic: War On Women
Discussed by Professor Gail Heriot
with New American Civil Rights Project (

March is celebrated as “Women’s History Month”. There have been many, many influential women who have helped make this world a better place. This month, ladies, we celebrate you!

Professor Gail Heriot is one of eight members on the US Commission on Civil Rights. She is also a Professor of Law at the University of San Diego. She is here today to discuss a recent report which her colleagues at the Commission released without her knowledge or consent. For years, liberals and feminists have spread the lie that women in many careers only make 78 cents on the dollar while males make much more. Gail says, “This notion…is just incorrect. It is highly, highly misleading.

For example, men are almost thirteen times more likely to suffer a fatal injury on the job than women are. Why? Because men usually choose more dangerous jobs than women do. Yes, there are women who work in construction or are police officers or fire fighters, but most women are going to choose a “safe” job. Those dangerous jobs pay more money than a job as a receptionist or teacher.

Also, men are much more likely to work overtime than women are. So, obviously they will earn more money. However, Gail points out interesting facts about women’s wages compared to men when both only work 35-39 hours per week and single women and men who are in their 20’s (before children). “It’s about choice,” she says.

Professor Heriot and the one other Conservative on the Commission, Professor Peter Kirsanow, were completely blindsided when the other members released their report with the “new” numbers concerning “real wages”. Listen in as Gail and Terry discuss the process which these numbers are calculated and why she believes this figure is wrong and needs to be corrected.

To read the press release discussed in this segment, click here.

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August 6, 2014

Title: A Woman's Point of View of the Left's "War on Women"
Topic: War On Women
Discussed by Angela Paxton
with Angela Paxton – Wife of Ken Paxton

The left has hired the best word smiths. The best marketing gurus. The best think tanks. The Main Stream Media’s goal is always to make the “right” look “wrong”. Well, I’ve had enough. And so has Angela Paxton.

In fact, Angela, wife of Ken Paxton, the Republican candidate for Texas Attorney General, says it’s way past time for us to start fighting back. She will not go silently into the night. She will not let her children grow up in a country that has turned its back on the Truth.

Listen in as Angela shares her own personal life story of being adopted, what that means to her, and what that means to you. Angela also gives some great advice on how to talk to others who aren’t pro-life or may be on the fence over the issue.

You can find more about her husband’s campaign for Texas Attorney General at

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June 4, 2014

Title: The Pill's War on Women
Topic: War On Women
Discussed by Rita Diller
with Stop Planned Parenthood (

On Saturday, June 7, people across the country will come together in prayer and silent protests for the tiniest of lives: unborn babies. The American Life League revealed that its 2014 “The Pill Kills” event will be larger than ever, being co-sponsored by 51 organizations in 20 states.

“The Pill” was a life-long dream Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. What many do not know is that “The Pill” can cause blood clots, which can cause strokes. It is also classified as a Group 1 carcinogen, a dangerous hormonal steroid.

Listen in as Rita Diller discusses “The Pill Kills”. Visit her website at

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June 3, 2014

Title: The REAL War on Women
Topic: War On Women
Discussed by Andrew Mangione
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

The Democrats and Obama want to slice Home Health Care services. Period. But, doesn’t providing home health care services save the tax payers money by reducing hospital and ER visit costs?

It all boils down to this: Women live longer than men. Fact. The Democrats and Obama are slashing funding for home health care services at an astonishing rate. They are also decreasing the amount of workers in the home health care industry, many of whom are women.

So, the reality is, the Democrats and Obama are the REAL culprits of the War on Women.

Andrew Mangione is Vice President of Government Relations for the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). Prior to joining AMAC, Andrew was in managed care with Humana, Inc.

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June 19, 2013

Title: The True “War On Women”
Topic: War On Women
Discussed by State Representative Debbie Riddle
with Debbie Riddle

Part 2 of 3

What really is the “War on Women”? State Representative Debbie Riddle, who just completed her sixth term, discusses the “Real War on Women”. Debbie confirms how the Democrats use this term to bash Republicans.

She states how laughable their accusation is. It’s the Democrats who really oppress women.

Should China stop their ‘one-child policy’? Millions of girl babies have been aborted or simply placed at the curb and left to die in China. Should Texas allow someone to abort a baby simply because it is a baby girl? Listen in…

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Title: Sex-Selection Abortions
Topic: War On Women
Discussed by State Representative Debbie Riddle
with Debbie Riddle

Part 3 of 3

Sex-selection abortions should NOT be allowed, but why? Should a woman have the right to abort their baby for any reason, no matter what?

It’s the Democrats who really oppress women. What is the reality of abortion? What is the scientific data showing the development of the baby? With ten little fingers and ten little toes, does the baby feel pain?

Debbie Riddle was asked: “If you knew your daughter was going to go to an unsafe abortion clinic like the Gosnell clinic, what would you do to protect them?” Democrats proved their “War on Women” by opposing the clinic safety bill. Listen in…

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