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August 6, 2014

Title: A Woman's Point of View of the Left's "War on Women"
Topic: War On Women
Discussed by Angela Paxton
with Angela Paxton – Wife of Ken Paxton

The left has hired the best word smiths. The best marketing gurus. The best think tanks. The Main Stream Media’s goal is always to make the “right” look “wrong”. Well, I’ve had enough. And so has Angela Paxton.

In fact, Angela, wife of Ken Paxton, the Republican candidate for Texas Attorney General, says it’s way past time for us to start fighting back. She will not go silently into the night. She will not let her children grow up in a country that has turned its back on the Truth.

Listen in as Angela shares her own personal life story of being adopted, what that means to her, and what that means to you. Angela also gives some great advice on how to talk to others who aren’t pro-life or may be on the fence over the issue.

You can find more about her husband’s campaign for Texas Attorney General at

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