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September 7, 2022

Title: The Republican Party Needs Leadership and a Clear Agenda
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Lt. Col. Allen West
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Part 1 of 2

In the midst of the storms that we face today, too many Republican office holders and candidates are clueless, fearful, and man a ship without a rudder and with no captain.

Today, Lt. Col. Allen West sounds a clarion call for Republican leaders to step in and step up.

Click here to read more on this issue from Lt. Col. Allen West.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Lt. Col. Allen West compare the current political war to combat?

Did Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell recently surrender the fall elections? Using a great musical analogy, Lt. Col. Allen West discusses what McConnell should be doing to unite the Party instead of “surrendering”.

Inflation and gas prices… Is it really “that bad”? What does Lt. Col. Allen West’s suggest Republicans do?

Who are “800,000 got-aways”? Does this number compare to the size of the active US Army and Marine Corp? How do these “got-aways” affect us?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Republican Party Needs Leadership and a Clear Agenda
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Lt. Col. Allen West
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is the Biden Administration sabotaging the oil and gas industry? Are Democrat Governors joining in? Lt. Col. Allen West discusses California Governor Newsom, Biden and Saudi Arabia, and European sanctions.

Fentanyl is the greatest killer of 18-45-year-olds in America. How and where is it manufactured? Who is bringing it into the US?

What are Republicans doing to stop the exploding crime rate in our cities? Lt. Col. Allen West uses this time to urge all Christians to rally together and vote this November, referencing Deuteronomy 30:19.

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September 2, 2022

Title: The Republican Party Needs Leadership and a Clear Agenda
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Lt. Col. Allen West
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Part 1 of 2

In the midst of the storms that we face today, too many Republican office holders and candidates are clueless, fearful, and man a ship without a rudder and with no captain.

Today, Lt. Col. Allen West sounds a clarion call for Republican leaders to step in and step up.

Click here to read more on this issue from Lt. Col. Allen West.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Lt. Col. Allen West compare the current political war to combat?

Did Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell recently surrender the fall elections? Using a great musical analogy, Lt. Col. Allen West discusses what McConnell should be doing to unite the Party instead of “surrendering”.

Inflation and gas prices… Is it really “that bad”? What does Lt. Col. Allen West’s suggest Republicans do?

Who are “800,000 got-aways”? Does this number compare to the size of the active US Army and Marine Corp? How do these “got-aways” affect us?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Republican Party Needs Leadership and a Clear Agenda
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Lt. Col. Allen West
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is the Biden Administration sabotaging the oil and gas industry? Are Democrat Governors joining in? Lt. Col. Allen West discusses California Governor Newsom, Biden and Saudi Arabia, and European sanctions.

Fentanyl is the greatest killer of 18-45-year-olds in America. How and where is it manufactured? Who is bringing it into the US?

What are Republicans doing to stop the exploding crime rate in our cities? Lt. Col. Allen West uses this time to urge all Christians to rally together and vote this November, referencing Deuteronomy 30:19.

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August 4, 2022

Title: The Modern Enslavement of the Black Community in America
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Lt. Col. Allen West
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Lt. Col. Allen West (ret.) is the Executive Director of The American Constitutional Rights Union and ACRU Action Fund. Today, Allen West discusses the lies the Democrats have been telling black Americans for decades.

Click here to read Allen West’s full op-ed on this issue.

Click here for more about The American Constitutional Rights Union.

Click here to donate to The American Constitutional Rights Union.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Which political organization put blacks in America in chains? Allen calls them the “Party of the Four S’s”: Succession, Slavery, Segregation, and Socialism.

In 2016, Joe Biden stated: “They gonna put y’all back in chains.” Who was he referring to? Did many blacks believe him?

In 2020, Joe Biden stated: “If you do not vote for me, you ain’t black?” Did his statement convince many blacks to vote for him?

Democrats once stood outside the doors of education buildings, preventing black kids from entering. Are Democrats now standing inside the doors, preventing black children from leaving for better educational opportunities?

Was Planned Parenthood founded by a white supremacist, racist, eugenicist who was hell-bent on removing “undesirables” and “human weeds” from our society, namely blacks? Allen reveals that nearly 23 million black babies have been murdered in the womb since 1973. “We don’t hear any outcry about that,” he says.

What are the three main reasons the black community in America is no longer the second largest demographic block? Allen West discusses illegal immigration due to open borders, black-on-black crime/murder in urban areas, and the breakup of the traditional family.

Why did Allen West choose to show the documentary, “Uncle Tom”, in a Hispanic community?

Click here to view “Uncle Tom Part I” and to pre-order “Uncle Tom Part II”.

Click here for more information about Allen West’s podcast “Steadfast and Loyal”.

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October 22, 2021

Title: America-Loving Regular Folks are the New Radicals
Topic: American Values
Discussed by Lori Roman
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Lori Roman is President of the American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) and ACRU Action Fund. She is also the founder and President of the Ann Children’s Fund, an organization that helps adopted children with special needs and serious illnesses.

Today, Lori discusses her latest op-ed, “America-Loving Regular Folks are the New Radicals”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why was Lori’s America-loving, Veteran brother under FBI investigation in the late 60’s/early 70’s?

Did Lori’s parents receive a backhanded apology from the FBI in 1979?

What were Lori’s parent’s political views at that time?

What are the core values of us “regular folk” that are now considered radical?

Did Lori think she would ever see this day? What would her parents say if they knew this was happening in America today? Lori says: “They wouldn’t call those Conservative values; they were just American values. They shouldn’t divide us; they should unite us.”

Is any person “owed” happiness (as defined by the Left)?

Can a government just give everything to their people at no cost?

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December 30, 2020

Title: Is America Still a Great Country?
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Lori Roman
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

There is much work to be done in protecting the rights of every American in danger from the left and its disdain for traditional American values and rule of law.

Lori Roman is President of the American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) and ACRU Action Fund. She is also the founder and President of the Ann Children’s Fund, an organization that helps adopted children with special needs and serious illnesses.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What makes America unique from all other nations in the world?

What is a “Banana Republic”?

What must be done to maintain a firm grip on the rule of law? Should we continue to fight for our country? Or are we wasting our time?

Is there real evidence of mail-in ballot fraud across the nation?

Click below for more information about other projects from the ACRU:
Protect Our Monuments
Protect Elderly Votes
Protect Military Votes
Voting Integrity Institute
American Constitutional Rights Union Action Fund

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October 28, 2020

Title: Defunding the Police
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lori Roman
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

President of the American Constitutional Rights Union Lori Roman recently wrote: “For years, Liberals have told Americans they do not need guns, because the police have guns. But now many leftists advocate defunding police altogether.”

Today, Lori discusses this serious topic and answers this question: In the land of the Leftists, who exactly would have guns?

More from Lori Roman on this topic can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have liberals been telling Americans for years they do not need guns because the police have guns?

In the Revolution, Antifa, BLM and the other rioters, looters, and burners want to defund the police. Should this happen, who will have guns?

The Left actually wants Social Workers to respond to the majority of 911 calls, including domestic violence calls. Aren’t most Social Workers females? Is this a good idea?

Will citizens be left defenseless?

NOTE: Biden has stated that if he wins the Presidency, he will put Beto O’Rourke in charge of taking our guns away! Think about that before you cast a vote!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Defunding the Police
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lori Roman
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who will protect us if the police are defunded?

Should women get a gun?

Is there a stark difference in the approach to gun ownership between Republicans and Democrats? Lori reminds us that one Democrat Elected Official suggested that women should just “play dead” if they are being attacked. How ridiculous!

Does every position on the ballot this November effect our safety?

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October 7, 2020

Title: Defunding the Police
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lori Roman
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

President of the American Constitutional Rights Union Lori Roman recently wrote: “For years, Liberals have told Americans they do not need guns, because the police have guns. But now many leftists advocate defunding police altogether.”

Today, Lori discusses this serious topic and answers this question: In the land of the Leftists, who exactly would have guns?

More from Lori Roman on this topic can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have liberals been telling Americans for years they do not need guns because the police have guns?

In the Revolution, Antifa, BLM and the other rioters, looters, and burners want to defund the police. Should this happen, who will have guns?

The Left actually wants Social Workers to respond to the majority of 911 calls, including domestic violence calls. Aren’t most Social Workers females? Is this a good idea?

Will citizens be left defenseless?

NOTE: Biden has stated that if he wins the Presidency, he will put Beto O’Rourke in charge of taking our guns away! Think about that before you cast a vote!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Defunding the Police
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lori Roman
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who will protect us if the police are defunded?

Should women get a gun?

Is there a stark difference in the approach to gun ownership between Republicans and Democrats? Lori reminds us that one Democrat Elected Official suggested that women should just “play dead” if they are being attacked. How ridiculous!

Does every position on the ballot this November effect our safety?

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November 19, 2019

Title: Confessions from a Former Swamp Dweller
Topic: Political Activism
Discussed by Lori Roman
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

The fight for freedom and against socialism has never been for the spineless. Swamp dwellers are on both sides of the isle.

Lori Roman is a former swamp dweller. As an appointee in the President George W. Bush Administration, she worked on legislation, wrote regulations, and hobnobbed around Washington. Lori is also the Founder and President of the Ann Children’s Fund, an organization that helps adopted children with special needs and serious illnesses.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do people on both sides of the isle have great jobs in the private sector that pay well above the qualifications and experience?

Do swamp dwellers like people from the outside who may drain the swamp, so to speak?

Does President Trump have the backbone to stay strong against the swamp dwellers? Would Mitt Romney or John McCain have had the backbone if they had been elected?

Do the American people believe that President Trump really loves America?

Lori Roman says this: “If you forget about what we’re fighting for, all you have to do is turn on a Democrat debate.” This is absolutely true! It’s not a fight about tweets or even firing people; the fight is about America’s survival against Socialism.

Does President Trump need more supports who have the backbone to stand up and fight for him?

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