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December 19, 2011

Title: Obama Administration denies Texas’ application for Medicaid Family Planning Program because Planned Parenthood is Not Funded.
Topic: Holiday Season
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Part 1 of 2

Please comment on the statement made by Larry Kellner, former chairman and CEO of Continental Airlines and current president of Emerald Creek Group, a private equity firm based in Houston, as quoted by the Houston Chronicle on the value of Planned Parenthood:

“The non-profit should be beyond political games” he said, “as it provides vital medical services to many.” He added that “97 percent of those services are cancer screenings, medical check-ups, and prenatal care for expectant families”. From Houston Chronicle

Does Planned Parenthood do breast cancer screenings?  Do they have to have mammogram machine at each facility in the state of Texas?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Holiday Season
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Recently the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services sent a letter to Texas health and Human and Services Commission stating that it was denying the state’s request to extend Medicaid women’s health program for Texas if it enforces the new Texas law, what is this about?

Should the abortion industry be getting rich off our tax dollars? Has the Obama Administration Denied Texas’ application for Medicaid family planning program because Planned Parenthood is not funded?

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December 15, 2011

Title: ALERT: Auto Burglars target shoppers and Travelers during the Holiday Season!
Topic: Holiday Season
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

Part 1 of 2

Is it true that thieves committed 263,479 acts of vehicle burglary and stole 68,219 vehicles in Texas during 2010?

For someone that is going shopping, what is the first thing they should do before they park? For women, what should they do with their purchases once inside the store? Would it be okay to put it in the cart with groceries on top?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Holiday Season
Discussed by Major Harold Heuszel
with Dr. Harold Heuszel (

Should people shop with a partner or with a group?

Should you get out of your car, for example, if you are at a stop sign in a dark place, and someone drives up behind and taps the rear bumper and they get out?

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November 2, 2011

Title: Major HOLIdays Coming Up, Are They Religious?
Topic: Holiday Season
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Are there religious aspects to Thanksgiving?

Have Democrat and Republican Presidents alike issued proclamations about Thanksgiving?

Has President Obama thanked Allah or has he thanked our God Jehovah?

Can public school teachers actually teach the religious aspects of Thanksgiving?

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