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July 19, 2011

Title: The First Twitter Presidential Debate
Topic: Twitter Presidential Debate
Discussed by Dustin Stockton
with The Tea (

The invites all to participate in the First Presidential Debate this Wednesday, July 20, starting at 3:00 PM Eastern.

Questions will be limited to 140 characters and the candidates are limited to 140 characters when they reply. The candidates will be allowed to response more than once.

To participate log onto Twitter using @140townhall

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July 13, 2011

Title: How Many “Gray Hairs” Will Participate in the Upcoming Twitter Presidential Debate?
Topic: Twitter Presidential Debate
Discussed by Dustin Stockton
with The Tea (

Part 1 of 2

Save the date: Wednesday, July 20 Save the time: 3:00 to 4:30 PM Eastern Many of the top tier Republican Presidential candidates have confirmed that they will participate in the upcoming Twitter Debate.

Dick Morris, political analyst and pollster will be the moderator – he will tweet the questions, limited to 140 characters. The candidates will be limited to 140 characters in their response. They will be able to answer each question multiple times, but limited in time and space.

Confirmed candidates include: Rep. Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep Thaddeus McCotter, former Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Sen. Rick Santorum.
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Title: You Can Participate In the Upcoming Twitter Presidential Debate
Topic: Twitter Presidential Debate
Discussed by Dustin Stockton
with The Tea (

Part 2 of 2

Save the date: Wednesday, July 20 Save the time: 3:00 to 4:30 PM Eastern Candidates will introduce themselves to all those that participate with a videotaped message at the beginning of the debate, and then the activists can begin tweeting their questions to the candidates.

Moderator Dick Morris will select a range of questions to pose to the candidates, who will answer in real time. Direct democracy doesn’t get more direct than this. Dick Morris has stated: “Maybe the Twitter limit of 140 characters to each tweet will make them get to the point and answer the question.”

Confirmed candidates include: Rep. Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep Thaddeus McCotter, former Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Sen. Rick Santorum.

Log onto  to find out how you can participate.

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