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November 1, 2010

Title: Help, Hope and Insight for Troubled Times
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Howard Mitchell
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Segment 1 of 3

Most of our listeners are living from pay check to pay check. Crown Ministries offers help, hope and insight through group lessons at churches and individually. Find a coach at

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Title: Howard Mitchell, the Houston Area Director, continues with Money Management in Hard Times
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Howard Mitchell
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Segment 2 of 3

We do not allow the “B” word on this program – BUDGET. So we use the term “Spending Plan”. Find hope, help and insight and a coach at

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Title: Living in a very affluent society, do most Christians understand Bible Principles in regards to Money Management?
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Howard Mitchell
with Crown Financial Ministries (

Segment 3 of 3

Many of us have found ourselves without a job at different times in our lives. How should we cope? How should we go forward? How can we prepare for the future? Everyone can find help, hope and insight and a coach, if needed, at

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